Why Have Workers Stopped Joining Unions? The Rise in Never-Membership in Britain, Alex Bryson and Rafael Gomez, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 43 (1), 2005, 67-92. Explaining the Younger-Older Worker Union Density Gap: Evidence from New Zealand, Peter Haynes, Jack Vowles and Peter Boxall, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 43 (1), 2005, 93-116. British Managers’ Attitudes and Behaviour in Industrial Relations: A Twenty-Year Study, Michael Poole, Roger Mansfield, Julian Gould-Williams and Priya Mendes, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 43 (1), 2005, 117-134. Decentralizing Wage Bargaining in Germany: A Way to Increase Employment?, Wolfgang Ochel, Labour, 19 (1), 2005, 91-121. Confronting a Changing Economy: Union Responses in Finland, Satu Kalliola, Economic and Industrial Relations, 26 (2), 2005, 257-287. German Pacts for Employment and Competitiveness. Concessionary Bargaining as a Reaction to Globalisation and European Integration?, Heiko Massa-Wirth and Hartmut Seifert, Transfer, 11 (1), 2005, 26-44. The European Works Councils: A Role beyond the EC Directive?, Volker Telljohann, Transfer, 11 (1), 2005, 81-96. USWA-Bargained and State-Oriented Responses to the Recurrent Steel Crisis, Robert Bruno, Labor Studies Journal, 30 (1), 2005, 67-91. Exploring the Dynamics of Industrial Relations in US Multinationals: Evidence from the Republic of Ireland, Patrick Gunnigle, David G. Collings and Michael Morley, Industrial Relations Journal, 36 (3), 2005, 241-256. Sources of Change in Trade Unions, Edmund Heery, Work, Employment and Society, 19 (1), 2005, 91-106. Apprentice Strikes in the Twentieth-Century UK Engineering and Shipbuilding Industries, Paul Ryan, Historical Studies in Industrial Relations, 18, 2004, 1-63. Worker Mobilization in the 1970s: Revisiting Work-ins, Co-operatives and Alternative Corporate Plans, Michael Gold, Historical Studies in Industrial Relations, 18, 2004, 65-106. Le droit du travail face aux nouvelles formes d’organisation des entreprises, Marie-Laure Morin, Revue internationale du travail, 144 (1), 2005, 5-30. Numéro spécial : La Loi de programmation pour la cohésion sociale, Droit Social, 4, 2005, 359-465. Labor Obligations in the U.S.-Chile Free Trade Agreement, Stacie E. Martin, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 25 (2), 2004, 201-226. The United Kingdom Recalibrates the U.S. National Labor Relations Act: Possible Lessons for the United States?, Nancy Peters, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 25 (2) 2004, 227-256. Exceeding our Boundaries: Transnational Employment Law Practice and the Export of American Lawyering Styles to the Global Worksite, Susan Bisom-Rapp, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 25 (2), 2004, 257-337. Who Owns Human Capital? A Critical Appraisal of Legal Techniques for Capturing the Value of Work, Joellen Riley, Australian Journal of Labour Law, 18 (1), 2005, 1-25. Crafting Remedies for Bad Faith Bargaining, Coercion and Duress: ‘Relative Ethical Flexibility’ in the Twenty-first Century, Margaret Lee, Australian Journal of Labour Law, 18 (1), 2005, 26-52. Actualité du régime du travail dans le cadre de l’Union Européenne, Droit Social, 5, 2005, 491-535. Avant-propos, Antoine Jeammaud; La mobilité internationale du salarié, Sophie Robin-Olivier; Le travail dans le cadre de la prestation internationale de services, Antoine Lyon-Caen; Regards sur les chantiers navals, Marc Ameil; Actualité du droit de l’harmonisation sociale en matière de rapport d’emploi, Jean-Philippe Lhernould et Nicolas Moizard; Actualité du rapprochement des législations en matière de relations professionnelles, Sylvaine Laulom et Christophe Vigneau. La résiliation de l’essai fondée sur un motif étranger à ses résultats : pour une autre logique, Jean Mouly, Droit Social, 6, 2005, 614-624. Repos ou argent ? Un arbitrage variable dans le droit de la durée du travail, Franck Morel, Droit Social, 6, 2005, 625-633. ‘Making up’ Managers: The Case of NHS Nurses, Sharon C. Bolton, Work, Employment and Society, 19 (1), 2005, …
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Sélection/Selected by Claudine Leclerc, Département des relations industrielles, Université Laval.