Corps de l’article
Relations du travail / Labour Relations
La négociation quotidienne et le règlement officiel des litiges dans les entreprises aux États-Unis, Charles Heckscher et Lavinia Hall, Négociations, 1, 2004, 63-78.
Cleared for Take-off? Management-Labour Partnership in the European Civil Aviation Industry, Peter Turnbull, Paul Blyton and Geraint Harvey, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 10 (3), 2004, 287-307.
Numéro spécial : Les relations professionnelles dans le secteur public, La Revue de l’IRES, 45 (2), 2004, 3-133. Introduction, Udo Rehfeldt et Catherine Vincent; Négocier dans les services publics : dimensions procédurales et stratégiques, Udo Rehfeldt et Catherine Vincent; Les relations professionnelles dans les fonctions publiques françaises. Éléments d’analyse, Jean Saglio; Les relations de l’État-patron avec les syndicats de fonctionnaires, Jeanne Siwek-Pouydesseau; Les relations professionnelles dans la fonction publique italienne, Mimmo Carrieri; Les relations sociales au travail dans la fonction publique hospitalière : le cas italien, Jean-Olivier Mallet et Martine Gayral-Taminh; Statut et contrat : deux modes de construction de la relation de travail, Nicole Maggi-Germain; L’ambiguïté des fondements, clé de lecture du fonctionnement d’un système de relations professionnelles, Solveigh Grimault.
Estimating the Other Party’s Preferences and Trust in Trade Union and Employer Negotiations: A Comparison between New Zealand and Sweden, Eva Zellman and Simon Kemp, New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations, 29 (2), 2004, 17-31.
Post-socialist Trade Unions: China and Russia, Simon Clarke, Industrial Relations Journal, 36 (1), 2005, 2-18.
Barriers to Cross-border Trade Union Cooperation in Europe: The Case of the Graphical Workers, John Gennard and Kirsty Newsome, Industrial Relations Journal, 36 (1), 2005, 38-58.
Partnership Working and the Cultivated Activist, Peter Samuel, Industrial Relations Journal, 36 (1), 2005, 59-76.
The Influence of Wages and Industrial Relations Environments on the Production Location Decisions of U.S. Multinational Corporations, Mario F. Bognanno, Michael P. Keane, and Donghoon Yang, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 58 (2), 2005, 171-200.
Human Resource Management as a Substitute for Trade Unions in British Workplaces, Stephen Machin and Stephen Wood, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 58 (2), 2005, 201-218.
Special Issue on Trade Unions and Unemployment, Transfer, 10 (4), 2004, 532-619. Unemployment, Wages and Collective Bargaining in the European Union, Eckhard Hein and Thorsten Schulten; ‘Jobs, Jobs, Jobs’, Ambivalence of Concerted Change for Employment in Europe, Evelyne Leonard and Pierre Reman; The Broken Link – Do Trade Unions Represent the Interests of the Unemployed? Evidence from the UK, Germany and Denmark within the Framework of the European Employment Strategy, Helge Albrechtsen; Activation and Trade Unions: Confronting the Dilemma, Ben Valkenburg; Income Security: Why Unions Should Campaign for a Basic Income, Guy Standing.
Union Recognition and Partnership at Work: A New Legitimacy for Irish Trade Unions?, Daryl D’Art and Thomas Turner, Industrial Relations Journal, 36 (2), 2005, 121-139.
Decentralised Bargaining of Working Time in the German Automotive Industry, Thomas Haipeter and Steffen Lehndorff, Industrial Relations Journal, 36 (2), 2005, 140-156.
Union Responses to ‘Multi-Enterprise’ Factories in the Italian Motor Industry, Valeria Pulignano, Industrial Relations Journal, 36 (2), 2005, 157-173.
Political Exchange and Bargaining Reform in Italy and Spain, Óscar Molina Romo, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 11 (1), 2005, 7-26.
Industrial Action and Conflict Resolution in the New Member States, Christian Welz and Timo Kauppinen, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 11 (1), 2005, 91-105.
Organisations syndicales et patronales / Union and Employer Organizations
The European Trade Union Confederation at the Crossroads of Change? Traversing the Variable Geometry of European Trade Unionism, Graham Taylor and Andrew Mathers, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 10 (3), 2004, 267-285.
A Study of Union Mergers: The Strange Case of the Police Federation of Australia, Michael Lyons and Jenny Fleming, New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations, 29 (2), 2004, 1-16.
Trade Union Responses to Workplace Restructuring: Exploring Union Orientations and Actions, Nicholas Bacon and Paul Blyton, Work, Employment and Society, 18 (4), 2004, 749-773.
Trade Unions and the Politics of the European Social Model, Richard Hyman, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 26 (1), 2005, 9-40
Organizing Non-Union Workers as Trade Unionists in the ‘New Economy’ in Britain, Gregor Gall, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 26 (1), 2005, 41-63.
Membership Interface Unionism: A Swedish White-Collar Union in Transition, Hans Björkman and Tony Huzzard, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 26 (1), 2005, 65-88.
Droit du travail / Labour Law
Géolocalisation, données personnelles et droit du travail, Jean-Emmanuel Ray, Droit Social, 12, 2004, 1077-1085.
Principe « À travail égal, salaire égal » et politiques de gestion des rémunérations, Thérèse Aubert-Monpeyssen, Droit Social, 1, 2005, 18-30.
L’obligation de reclassement d’un salarié déclaré par le médecin du travail inapte à tout emploi dans l’entreprise, Jean Savatier, Droit Social, 1, 2005, 31-36.
La rupture du contrat de travail à durée indéterminée hors licenciement, Bernard Teyssié, Droit Social, 1, 2005, 45-58.
Special Issue: Comparative Labor and Employment Law and Policy in the Next Quarter Century, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 25 (1), 2003, 1-196. Introduction, Matthew W. Finkin; Comparative Labor Law-Quo Vadis?, Reinhold Fahlbeck; Celebrating Twenty-five Years and Speculating Over the Future from a Brazilian Perspective, Roberto Fragale Filho; A Perspective on the Next Quarter Century of Comparative Labor Law, Alvin L. Goldman; Economic Ideas and the Labor Market: Origins of the Anglo-American Model and Prospects for Global Diffusion, Sanford M. Jacoby; A Silver Anniversary Not Worth Celebrating: The Impasse Over American Labor and Employment Policies, Thomas A. Kochan; Comparative Labor Law: Some Reflections on the Way Ahead, Thomas C. Kohler; Some Reflections on Comparative Labor Law and on Its Vicinity with Policy-making, Silvana Sciarra; Teaching ADR in the Labor Field in China, Theodore J. St. Antoine; Comparative Labor Law in America: Its Foibles, Functions, and Future, Clyde Summers; Labor Law Between Changes and Continuity, Christophe Vigneau; Enhancing Worker Lives Through Fairer Labor and Worklife Law in Comparative Perspective, Paul Weiler; The Future of Comparative Labor law as an Academic Discipline and As a Practical Tool, Manfred Weiss; Onward and Upward: The Next Twenty-five Years of Comparative Labor Law Scholarship, Steven L. Willborn.
Le télétravail en France : les principaux points de la recommandation du Forum des droits sur l’Internet, Jean Gonié, Droit Social, 3, 2005, 273-276.
Fragment d’un droit des conflits internationaux du travail ? (CJCE 5 février 2004), Patrick Chaumette, Droit Social, 3, 2005, 295-302.
La grève dans les rapports internationaux de travail : questions de qualification, Étienne Pataut, Droit Social, 3, 2005, 303-310.
Gestion des ressources humaines et des organisations / Human Resources Management and Organizations
Leader Member Exchange and Perceived Justice : The Mediating Impact of Voice, Kanika T. Bhal and Namrata Gulati, Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 40 (1), 2004, 1-16.
Special Edition on E-learning, Pranjana, 7 (2), 2004, 1-108.
Pour une typologie des comportements organisationnels face à l’innovation, Brahim Allali, Gestion, 29 (4), 2005, 23-30.
L’évaluation des modèles de gestion du changement organisationnel : de la capacité de gestion du changement à la gestion des capacités de changement, Richard Soparnot, Gestion, 29 (4), 2005, 31-42.
L’aprentissage du leadership ou comment actualiser son capital de leadership, Édith Luc, Gestion, 29 (4), 2005, 43-50.
Casualisation Friend or Foe? A Case Study Investigation of two Australian Hospitals, Clare Lumley, Pauline Stanton and Timothy Bartram, New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations, 29 (2), 2004, 33-48.
Reluctant Managers: Nurses Surviving Despite the Bottom Line, Richard Gough and Maree Fitzpatrick, New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations, 29 (2), 2004, 49-66.
Employment Relations in Small Commercial Business in China, Fang Lee Cooke, Industrial Relations Journal, 36 (1), 2005, 19-37.
Human Resource Management as a Substitute for Trade Unions in British Workplaces, Stephen Machin and Stephen Wood, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 58 (2), 2005, 201-218.
The Decentralisation of Employment Relations in the British Public Sector, Ian Kirkpatrick and Kim Hoque, Industrial Relations Journal, 36 (2), 2005, 100-120.
Sociologie du travail / Sociology of Work
Une matrice conceptuelle de la négociation. Du marchandage à la négociation valorielle, Olgierd Kuty, Négociations, 1, 2004, 45-62.
La négociation comme concept analytique central d’une théorie de la régulation sociale, Sophie Allain, Négociations, 2, 2004, 23-40.
European Social Citizenship and Gender: The Part-time Work Directive, Inge Bleijenbergh, Jeanne de Bruijn and Jet Bussemaker, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 10 (3), 2004, 309-328.
Factory Regimes and the Dismantling of Established Labour in Asia: A Review of Cases from Large Manufacturing Plants in China, South Korea and Taiwan, Theo Nichols, Surhan Cam, Wen-chi Grace Chou, Soonok Chun, Wei Zhao and Tongqin Feng, Work, Employment and Society, 18 (4), 2004, 663-685.
Manufacturing Concessions: Attritionary Outsourcing at General Motor’s Lordstown, USA Assembly Plant, Jeffrey J. Sallaz, Work, Employment and Society, 18 (4), 2004, 687-708.
Workplace Resistance in an Irish Call Centre: Slammin’, Scammin’ Smokin’ an Leavin’, Kate Muholland, Work, Employment and Society, 18 (4), 2004, 709-724.
Le télétravail des cadres: entre suractivité et apprentissage de nouvelles temporalités, Jean-Luc Metzger et Olivier Cléach, Sociologie du travail, 46 (4), 2004, 433-450.
Direct Involvement, Representation and Employee Voice in UK Multinationals in Europe, Stephen Wood and Mark P. Fenton O’Creevy, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 11 (1), 2005, 27-50.
Économique du travail, main-d’oeuvre, sécurité sociale / Labour Economics, Employment and Social Security
Size, Skill and Sorting, Dale Belman and David I. Levine, Labour, 18 (4), 2004, 515-561.
Subjective Measures of Employment Op-portunities and Interregional Migration, Fredrik Carlsen and Kåre Johansen, Labour, 18 (4), 2004, 563-589.
Stepping Stones to Permanent Employment in the Public Service, Gene Tunny and John Mangan, Labour, 18 (4), 2004, 591-614.
The OECD Jobs Strategy and the European Employment Strategy: Two Views of the Labour Market and the Welfare State, Bernard H. Casey, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 10 (3), 2004, 329-352.
L’indice sectoriel d’employabilité: intégrer les caractéristiques de l’offre et de la demande, Andries de Grip, Jasper van Loo et Jos Sanders, Revue internationale du travail, 143 (3), 2004, 231-255.
Technique de l’information et de la communication, qualifications et productivité, Stephan Kudyba, Revue internationale du travail, 143 (3), 2004, 257-269.
Réforme de la sécurité sociale et égalité hommes-femmes : l’expérience récente de l’Europe centrale, Elaine Fultz et Silke Steinhilber, Revue internationale du travail, 143 (3), 2004, 271-297.
Employment in the Public Sector, Julie Hatch, Monthly Labor Review, 127 (10), 2004, 38-47.
La génération sandwich, Cara Williams, L’emploi et le revenu en perspective, 16 (4), 2004, 7-15.
Travailleurs peu rémunérés : combien vivent dans des familles à faible revenu ?, Lucy Chung, L’emploi et le revenu en perspective, 16 (4), 2004, 25-35.
Inciter les travailleurs âgés à rester au poste, René Morissette, Grant Schellenberg et Cynthia Silver, L’emploi et le revenu en perspective, 16 (4), 2004, 36-42.
Tendances de l’emploi chez les infirmières, Wendy Pyper, L’emploi et le revenu en perspective, 16 (4),2004, 43-57.
The Sandwich Generation, Cara Williams, Perspectives on Labour and Income, 16 (4), 2004, 7-14.
Low-paid Workers: How many Live in Low-income Families?, Lucy Chung, Perspectives on Labour and Income, 16 (4), 2004, 23-32.
Retaining Older Workers, René Morissette, Grant Schellenberg and Cynthia Silver, Perspective on Labour and Income, 16 (4), 2004, 33-38.
Employment Trends in Nursing, Wendy Pyper, Perspective on Labour and Income, 16 (4), 2004, 39-51.
Les économistes contre la protection de l’emploi : de la dérégulation à la flexicurité, Jérôme Gautié, Droit Social, 1, 2005, 3-11.
Special Issue: The Impacts of Living Wage Policies, Industrial Relations, 44 (1), 2005, 1-192. The Impacts of Living Wage Policies: Introduction to the Special Issue, David Fairris and Michael Reich; Fighting for Other Folks’ Wages: The Logic and Illogic of Living Wage Campaigns, Richard Freeman; The Role of Community Involvement in Implementing Living Wage Ordinances, Stephanie Luce; The Economic Impact of the Boston Living Wage Ordinance, Mark D. Brenner; The Impact of Living Wages on Employers: A Control Group Analysis of the Los Angeles Ordinance, David Fairris; Living Wage Policies at the San Francisco Airport: Impacts on Workers and Businesses, Michael Reich, Peter Hall, and Ken Jacobs; Living Wages and Retention of Homecare Workers in San Francisco, Candace Howes; When Do Living Wages Bite?, Scott Adams and David Neumark.
Intrafirm Mobility and Sex Differences in Pay, Michael Ransom and Ronald L. Oaxaca, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 58 (2), 2005, 219-237.
Public Enforcement/Private Monitoring: Evaluating a New Approach to Regulating the Minimum Wage, David Weil, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 58 (2), 2005, 238-257.
Duration of Non-standard Employment, Costa Kapsalis and Pierre Tourigny, Perspectives on Labour and Income, 17 (1), 2005, 31-39.
Earnings of Temporary Versus Permanent Employees, Diane Galarneau, Perspectives on Labour and Income, 17 (1), 2005, 40-53.
The Labour Market in 2004, Perspectives on Labour and Income, 17 (1), 2005, 54-68.
La durée de l’emploi atypique, Costa Kapsalis et Pierre Tourigny, L’emploi et le revenu en perspective, 17 (1), 2005, 34-43.
L’écart salarial entre employés temporaires et permanents, Diane Galarneau, L’emploi et le revenu en perspective, 17 (1), 2005, 45-60.
Le marché du travail en 2004, L’emploi et le revenu en perspective, 17 (1), 2005, 61-75.
À propos d’un fait social majeur : la montée des précarités et des insécurités sociales et économiques, Jacques Rigaudiat, Droit Social, 3, 2005, 243-261.
Équité au travail / Equity at Work
The Male-Female Wage Gap and the Firm Effect: The Case of Young Italian Workers, Saveria Capellari, Laura Chies and Susanna Zaccarin, Labour, 18 (4), 2004, 675-697.
Employment in Organised Sector in 1990s: An Analysis from Gender Perspective, Preetam Khandelwal, Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 40 (1), 2004, 17-38.
Self-Reported Sexual Orientation and Earnings: Evidence from California, Christopher S. Carpenter, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 58 (2), 2005, 258-273.
Égalité hommes-femmes et sécurité sociale : jurisprudence de la Cour européenne de justice, Ingeborg Heide, Revue internationale du travail, 143 (4), 2004, 325-370.
Écarts salariaux et disparités professionnelles entre sexes : développements théoriques et validité empirique, Nathalie Havet, L’actualité économique, 80 (1), 2004, 5-39.
The Rising Profile of Women Academics, Deborah Sussman and Lahouaria Yssaad, Perspectives on Labour and Income, 17 (1), 2005, 16-29.
Les femmes dans l’enseignement universitaire, Deborah Sussman and Lahouaria Yssaad, L’emploi et le revenue en perspective, 17 (1), 2005, 18-33.
Santé et sécurité au travail / Health and Safety at Work
Work-related Multiple-fatality Incidents, Dino Drudi and Mark Zak, Monthly Labor Review, 127 (10), 2004, 20-37.
Bullying in the Health Sector: A Study of Bullying of Nursing Students, Barry Foster, Beth Mackie and Natasha Barnett, New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations, 29 (2), 2004, 67-83.
Le stress au travail : de la performance à la souffrance, Patrick Légeron, Droit Social, 12, 2004, 1086-1090.
Job Insecurity and Health-Related Outcomes among Different Types of Temporary Workers, Immaculada Silla, Francisco J. Gracia and José María Peiró, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 26 (1), 2005, 89-117.
Études comparatives / Comparative Studies
Estimating the Other Party’s Preferences and Trust in Trade Union and Employer Negotiations: A Comparison between New Zealand and Sweden, Eva Zellman and Simon Kemp, New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations, 29 (2), 2004, 17-31.
Économies de services en Europe et raisons de la croissance de l’emploi dans les services, Gerhard Bosch et Alexandra Wagner, Sociologie du travail, 46 (4), 2004, 451-475.
Post-socialist Trade Unions: China and Russia, Simon Clarke, Industrial Relations Journal, 36 (1), 2005, 2-18.
Généralités / General
Europeanization of Social Partnership in Smaller European Democracies?, Gerda Falkner and Simone Leiber, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 10 (3), 2004, 245-266.
Coopération tripartite, dialogue social et développement national, Tayo Fashoyin, Revue internationale du travail, 143 (4), 2004, 371-403.
Special Issue: Annual European Review 2004, Industrial Relations Journal, 35 (6), 2004, 480-674. Editorial: The New Europe, Erik Jones and Nicolas Bacon; The Politics of Europe 2003: Differences and Disagreements, Erik Jones; Enlargement and the Labour Market: Perception, Theory and Fact, Mike Ingham and Hilary Ingham; Corporate Governance, Industrial Relations and Trends in Company-level Restructuring in Europe: Convergence towards the Anglo-American Model?, Tony Edwards; Dynamism and Embeddedness: Towards a Lower Road? British Subsidiaries of American Multinationals, Ian Clark and Phil Almond; The German Model in Danger, John Grahl and Paul Teague; The Changing Union and Bargaining Landscape: Union Concentration and Collective Bargaining Trends, Bernhard Ebbinghaus; Re-evaluating the Concept of Working Time: An Analysis of Recent Case Law, Jeff Kenner; The Ups and Downs of European Gender Equality Policy, Jill Rubery, Hugo Figueiredo, Mark Smith, Damian Grimshaw and Colette Fagan; Consolidating Segmentation: Post-Socialist Employment Relations in Central and Eastern Europe, Roderick Martin and Anamaria M. Cristescu-Martin; European Industrial Relations in 2003: A Chronicle of Events, Mark Gilman and Andrea Broughton.
Special Issue on Changing Contours of Employment and New Modes of Labour Regulation, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 42 (4), 2004, 593-746. Introduction: Beyond Employment: Network Economy, Linda Dickens and Edmund Heery; Problems of Fit: Changing Employment and Labour Regulation, Linda Dickens; Towards a New Standard Employment Relationship in Western Europe, Gerhard Bosch; Divergence in Part-Time Work in New Zealand, the Netherlands and Denmark, Erling Rasmussen, Jens Lind and Jelle Visser; The ‘Network Economy’ and Models of the Employment Contract, David Marsden; Employment Rules in German Theatres: An Application and Evaluation of the Theory of Employment Systems, Axel Haunschild; Temporary Work Agencies: Here Today, Gone Tomorrow?, John Purcell, Kate Purcell and Stephanie Tailby; Joint Employer Status in Triangular Employment Relationships, Guy Davidov.