Public Sector Earnings ComparabilityAlternative Estimates for the U.S. Postal ServiceLa comparabilité des gains du secteur publicnouvelles évaluations pour le service postal des États-UnisComparando los ingresos del sector públicocalculos alternativos en el Servicio de Correos en EE.UU.[Notice]

  • Dale Belman,
  • John S. Heywood et
  • Paula B. Voos

…plus d’informations

  • Dale Belman
    Michigan State University

  • John S. Heywood
    University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
    University of Birmingham

  • Paula B. Voos
    Rutgers University

The authors thank Glen Gain, participants in the University of Wisconsin-Madison labour workshop, the referees and editor for many useful comments. Any errors are the responsibility of the authors.

Parties annexes