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Bennett, Chris, Practical Wap : Developing Applications for the Wireless Web, Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2001, 422 p.
Birken, Mitchell S., Grievance Mediation : The Impact of the Process and Outcomes on the Interests of the Parties, Kingston : IRC Press, 2000, 18 p.
Bové, José and François Dufour, The World is Not for Sale : Farmers against Junk Food, London : Verso, 2001, 205 p.
Brosseau, Jamie, Skill-based Pay in a Unionized Environment : A Case Study, Kingston : IRC Press, 2000, 12 p.
Brunelle, Christian, Discrimination et obligation d’accompagnement en milieu de travail syndiqué, Cowansville : Les éditions Yvon Blais, 2001, 482 p.
Cantin, Jean-Maurice, Abuse of Authority in the Workplace : A Form of Harassment, Scarborough : Carswell, 2000, 80 p.
Cantin, Jean-Maurice, L’abus d’autorité au travail : une forme de harcèlement, Scarborough : Carswell, 2000, 80 p.
Gwartney, James,and Robert Lawson, with Walter Park and Charles Skipton, Economic Freedom of the World : Annual Report 2001, Vancouver : Fraser Institute, 2001, 245 p.
Handler, Joel F., and Lucie White (ed.), Hard Labor : Women and Work in the Post-Welfare Era, Armonk : M.E. Sharpe, 1999, 264 p.
Mercure, Daniel (dir.), Une société-monde ? Les dynamiques sociales de la mondialisation, Sainte-Foy, Les Presses de l’Université Laval et De Boeck Université, 2001, 335 p.
Minns, Richard, The Cold Ward in Welfare : Stock Markets versus Pensions, New York : Verso, 2001, 240 p.
Mishel, Lawrence, Jared Bernstein and John Schmitt, The State of Working America, Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 2001, 464 p.
Perez, Coralie, Évaluer les programmes d’emploi et de formation : l’expérience américaine, Noisy-le-Grand : Centre d’études de l’emploi, Dossier 18, 2001, 184 p.
Riddell, W. Craig, and France St-Hilaire (ed.), Adapting Public Policy to a Labour Market in Transition, Montréal : Institut de recherche en politiques publiques (IRPP), 2001, 315 p.
Rowley, Chris, and John Benson (ed.), Globalization and Labour in the Asia Pacific Region, London : Frank Cass, 2001, 288 p.
Royle, Tony, Working for McDonald’s in Europe : The Unequal Struggle ? London : Routledge, 2000, 248 p.
Rubinstein Saul A., and Thomas A. Kochan, Learning from Saturn : A Look at the Boldest Experiment in Corporate Governance and Employee Relations, Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 2001, 156 p.
Shostak, Arthur B., Cyber Union : Empowering Labor Through Computer Technology, Armonk : M.E. Sharpe, 1999, 288 p.
Stein, Leon, The Triangle Fire, Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 2001, 224 p.
Troy, Leo, Beyond Unions and Collective Bargaining, Armonk : M.E. Sharpe, 1999, 239 p.
Tsogas, George, Labor Regulation in a Global Economy, Armonk : M.E. Sharpe, 2001, 208 p.
Van Ginneken, Wouter (dir.), Sécurité sociale pour la majorité exclue : étude de cas dans les pays en développement, Genève : BIT, 2000, 231 p.
Weiss, Dr. David S., and Steven R. Bedard, Contextual Negotiations, Kingston : IRC Press, 2000, 8 p.