Corps de l’article
Théorie et méthodologie en relations industrielles / Theory and Methodology in Industrial Relations
« Maintaining a Scholarly Community : Casual Authorship and the State of IR Research », Paul Jarley, Timothy D. Chandler and Larry Faulk, Industrial Relations, vol. 40, no 2, 2001, 338–343.
Review Symposium. Converging Divergences : Worldwide Changes in Employment Systems, by Harry C. Katz and Owen Darbishire. Introduction, George R. Boyer ; Comments, David Marsden, Paul Teague, Enrique M. de la Garza, Wolfgang Streeck, John Pencavel, and KazuoKoike.
Relations du travail / Labour Relations
« Facing “Fairness at Work” : Union Perception of Employer Opposition and Response to Union Recognition », Gregor Gall and Sonia McKay, Industrial Relations Journal, vol. 32, no 2, 2001, 94–113.
« The Resurgence of National-Level Bargaining : Union Strategies in Spain », Kerstin Hamann, Industrial Relations Journal, vol. 32, no 2, 2001, 154–172.
« Exit, Voice and Loyalty Reactions to Job Insecurity in Sweden : Do Unionized and Non-Unionized Employees Differ ? », Magnus Sverke and Johnny Hellgren, British Journal of Industrial Relations, vol. 39, no 2, 2001, 167–182.
« The Individualization of Irish Industrial Relations ? », William K. Roche, British Journal of Industrial Relations, vol. 39, no 2, 2001, 183–206.
Organisations syndicales et patronales / Union and Employer Organizations
« Union Democracy Revisited : Decision-Making Procedures in the Italian Labour Movement », Lucio Baccaro, Economic and Industrial Democracy, vol. 22, no 2, 2001, 183–210.
« Industry Change and Union Mergers in British Retail Finance », Timothy Morris, John Storey, Adrian Wilkinson and Peter Cressey, British Journal of Industrial Relations, vol. 39, no 2, 2001, 237–284.
« Le syndicalisme autonome face à la construction européenne : menaces ? perspectives ? », Jean-Michel Denis, Droit Social, no 5, 2001, 526–534.
« Union Militancy and Left-Wing Leadership on London Underground », Ralph Darlington, Industrial Relations Journal, vol. 32, no 1, 2001, 2–21.
« A Different Kind of Union : Balancing Co-Management and Representation », Saul A. Rubinstein, Industrial Relations, vol. 40, no 2, 2001, 163–203.
Droit du travail / Labour Law
Les frontières de l’entreprise, Dossier spécial, Droit Social, no 5, 2001, 471–510. Articles : « Entre concentration économique et externalisation : les nouvelles frontières de l’entreprise », François Gaudu ; « Les frontières de l’entreprise et la responsabilité de l’emploi », Marie-Laure Morin ; « Frontières de l’entreprise et institutions syndicales dans les groupes de sociétés (accord AXA) », Alain Coeuret ; « Le groupe, l’entreprise et l’établissement : une approche en droit comparé », Patrick Remy.
Employed or Self-Employed ? The Role and Content of the Legal Distinction, Special Issue, Comparative Labor Law and Policy Journal, vol. 21, no 1, 1999, 1–249. Articles : « Introduction », Matthew W. Finkin ; « Beyond Employees and Independent Contractors : A View from Canada », Brian A. Langille and Guy Davidow ; « Subordinate Employees or Self-Employed Worker ? An Analysis of the Employment Situation of Managers of Management Companies as an Illustration », Chris Engles ; « Working People in Germany », Ryuichi Yamakawa ; « New Wine in Old Bottles ? Employee/Independent Contractor Distinction under Japanese Labor Law », Wolfgang Däubler ; « Independent Contractors and Protected Workers in Dutch Law », Taco van Peijpe ; « Employment and Contract Work », Ken Källström ; « Dependent and Independent Contractors in Recent U.S. Labor Law : An Ambiguous Dichotomy Rooted in Simulated Statutory Purposelessness », Marc Linder ; « Labor Markets, Welfare and the Personal Scope of Employment Law », Paul Davies and Mark Freedland.
« Same-Sex Sexual Harassment : A Legal Assessment with Implications for Organizational Policy », Deborah Erdos and Gary A. Kustis, Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, vol. 12, no 3, 2000, 105–120.
« The Employment-at-Will Doctrine : Three Major Exceptions », Charles J. Muhl, Monthly Labor Review, vol. 124, no 1, 2001, 3–11.
« Efficiency v. Fairness : Multiple Litigation and Adjudication in Labour and Employment Law », Craig Floor, Canadian Labour and Employment Journal, vol. 8, no 3, 2001, 383–410.
« Mexican Labour Laws and Practices Come to Canada : A Comment on the First Case Brought to Canada under the North American Agreement on Labour Cooperation », Nicholas Keresztesi, Canadian Labour and Employment Journal, vol. 8, no 3, 2001, 411–437.
Gestion des ressources humaines et des organisations / Human Resources Management and Organizations
« Alternative Work Arrangements », Marisa DiNatale, Monthly Labor Review, vol. 124, no 3, 2001, 28–49.
« Flexible Work Schedules », Lonnie Golden, Monthly Labor Review, vol. 124, no 3, 2001, 50–67.
« International Competition and Pay, Working Time and Employment : Exploring the Processes of Adjustment », James Arrowsmith and Keith Sisson, Industrial Relations Journal, vol. 32, no 2, 2001, 136–153.
« Lost Narravites ? From Paternalism to Team-Working in a Lock Manufacturing Firm », Anne-Marie Greene, Peter Ackers and John Black, Economic and Industrial Democracy, vol. 22, no 2, 2001, 211–238.
« Effect of Human Resources Management (HRM) Practices on Firm Performance in India », Kuldeep Singh, Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, vol. 36, no 1, 2000, 1–23.
« Organisational Context of Structured On-the-Job Training », Bert M. Versloot, Jan A. de Jong and Jo GL Thijssen, International Journal of Training and Development, vol. 5, no 1, 2001, 2–22.
« La transformation d’une grande organisation de services publics selon la perspective de la gestion des connaissances », Réal Jocob, Gestion, vol. 26, no 1, 2001, 61–71.
Sociologie du travail / Sociology of Work
« Disorganized, Unilateral, and Participative Organizations : New Insights from the Ethnographic Literature », Randy Hodson, Industrial Relations, vol. 40, no 2, 2001, 204–230.
« Team Racial Composition, Member Attitudes, and Performance : A Field Study », Anthony M. Townsend and K. Dow Scott, Industrial Relations, vol. 40, no 2, 2001, 317–337.
Call Centre Jobs and Regions in the New Economy, Special Issue, Economic and Industrial Democracy, vol. 22, no 1, 2001, 5–140. Articles : « Edwards Revisited : Technical Control and Call Centres », George Callaghan and Paul Thompson ; « Trade Unions, Workers’ Rights and the Frontier of Control in UK Call Centres », Philip Taylor and Peter Bain ; « Saved by the Bell ? Call Centres and Economic Development in Less Favoured Regions », Ranald Richardson and Vicki Belt ; « Towards the Post-University : Centres of Higher Learning and Creative Spaces as Economic Development and Social Change Agents », Jonathan M. Feldman.
« Gendered Patterns in Computing Work in the Late 1990s », Niki Panteli, Janet Stack and Harvie Ramsay, New Technology, Work and Employment, vol. 16, no 1, 2001, 3–17.
« Labouring under an Illusion ? The Labour Process of Software Development in the Australian Information Industry », Rowena Barrett, New Technology, Work and Employment, vol. 16, no 1, 2001, 18–34.
« The IT Productivity Paradox : Evidence from the UK Retail Banking Industry », Lisa Harris, New Technology, Work and Employment, vol. 16, no 1, 2001, 35–48.
« Some Real Problems of Virtual Organisation », John Hughes, Jon O’Brien, Dave Randall, Mark Rouncefield and Peter Tolmie, New Technology, Work and Employment, vol. 16, no 1, 2001, 49–64.
Compétence, Dossier spécial, Sociologie du Travail, vol. 43, no 1, 2001, 1–66. Articles : « Avant-propos », Pierre Desmarez ; « Le management par les compétences : un essai d’analyse », Jean-Daniel Reynaud ; « Compétence, compétences », Catherine Paradeise et Yves Lichtenberger ; « La notion de compétence : continuités et changements par rapport à la notion de qualification », Ewan Oiry et Alain d’Iribarne.
Économique du travail, main-d’oeuvre, sécurité sociale / Labour Economics, Employment and Social Security
« Changing Retirement Age : Ups and Downs », William J. Wiatrowski, Monthly Labor Review, vol. 124, no 4, 2001, 3–12.
« Measuring Job and Establishing Flows », Timothy R. Pivetz, Michael A. Searson and James R. Spletzer, Monthly Labor Review, vol. 124, no 4, 2001, 13–20.
« Contingent Work », Steven Hipple, MonthlyLabor Review, vol. 124, no 3, 2001, 3–27.
« Wage Differentials Associated with Flextime », Bonnie Sue Gariety and Sherrill Shaffer, MonthlyLabor Review, vol. 124, no 3, 2001, 68–75.
« Le travail en cours d’études a-t-il un effet sur l’insertion professionnelle ? », Catherine Beduwé et Jean-François Giret, Formation Emploi, no 73, 2001, 31–52.
« Les effets de la formation continue en entreprise sur la mobilité et le salaire des jeunes », Arnaud Dupray et Saïd Hanchane, Formation Emploi, no 73, 2001, 53–74.
« Does Training Generally Work ? The Returns to In-Company Training », Alan Barrett and Philip J. O’Connell, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, vol. 54, no 3, 2001, 647–662.
« Technological Innovation and Employment Reallocation », Nathalie Greenan, Labour, vol. 14, no 3, 2000, 547–591.
Industry Studies of Wage Inequality, Symposium, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, vol. 54, no 2A, 2001, 399–543. Articles : « Introduction », Harry C. Katz ; « It’s not Just the ATMs : Technology, Firm Strategies, Jobs, and Earnings in Retail Banking », Larry W. Hunter, Annette Bernhardt, Katherine L. Hughes and Eva Skuratowicz ; « Explaining Wages Inequality in Telecommunications Services : Customer Segmentation, Human Resource Practices, and Union Decline », Rosemary Batt ; « Technical Change, Wages, and Employment in Semiconductor Manufacturing », Clair Brown and Ben Campbell ; « Industrial Change and Wages Inequality : Evidence from the Steel Industry », Patrica Besson, Lara Shore-Sheppard and Kathryn Shaw ; « The Grocery Stores Wage Distribution : A Semi-Paramedic Analysis of the Role of Retailing and Labor Market Institutions », John W. Budd and Brian P. McCall ; « The Effects of Deregulation, De-Unionization, Technology, and Human Capital on the Work and Work Lives of Truck Drivers », Dale L. Belman and Kristen A. Monaco ; « The Effect of High-Performance Work Practices on Employee Earnings in the Steel, Apparel, and Medical Electronics and Imaging Industries », Thomas Bailey, Peter Berg and Carola Sandye.
« Overqualified ? Recent Graduates, Employer Needs », Perspectives, vol. 13, no 1, 2001, 45–44.
« Surqualifiés ? Diplômés récents et besoins des employeurs », Perspective, vol. 13, no 1, 2001, 49–58.
« Part-Time by Choice », Katherine Marshall, Perspectives, vol. 13, no 1, 2001, 20–27.
« Travailler à temps partiel par choix », Katherine Marshall, Perspective, vol. 13, no 1, 2001, 22–30.
« The U.S.-Canadian Manufacturing Productivity Gap », Lucy P. Elridge and Mark K. Sherwood, Monthly Labor Review, vol. 124, no 2, 2001, 31–48.
« Job Growth in the 1990s : A Retrospect », Julie Hatch and Angela Clinton, Monthly Labor Review, vol. 123, no 12, 2000, 3–18.
Équité au travail / Equity at Work
« Élimination de la discrimination sexuelle : cadre théorique », John Kervin, Optimum, vol. 30, nos 3–4, 2001, 43–51.
« Gender, Segmentation and the Standard Employment Relationship in Canadian Labour Law, Legislation and Policy », Judy Fudge and Leah F. Vosco, Economic and Industrial Democracy, vol. 22, no 2, 2001, 271–310.
« Les rapports sociaux et l’application de mesures sociales : le cas de la conciliation grossesse-travail », Recherches sociographiques, vol. 52, no 1, 2001, 9–32.
Études comparatives / Comparative Studies
« International Competition and Pay, Working Time and Employment : Exploring the Processes of Adjustment », James Arrowsmith and Keith Sisson, Industrial Relations Journal, vol. 32, no 2, 2001, 136–153.
« Pursuing Centralised Bargaining in an Era of Decentralisation ? A Progressive Union Goal in Korea from a Comparative Perspective », Jooyeon Jeong, Industrial Relations Journal, vol. 32, no 1, 2001, 55–70.
« Hitting the Bricks : An International Comparative Study of Conflict on the Waterfront », Peter Turnbull and David Sapsford, IndustrialRelations, vol. 40, no 2, 2001, 231–257.
« Using Regulation : An International Comparative Study of the Civil Aviation Industry in Britain and Spain », Miguel Martinez Lucio, Peter Turnbull, Paul Blyton and John McGurk, European Journal of Industrial Relations, vol. 7, no 1, 2001, 49–70.
« Employment Restructuring and Flexibility in Austrian and Danish Banking », Gerit Mayer, Torben Andersen and Michael Muller, European Journal of Industrial Relations, vol. 7, no 1, 2001, 71–88.
Généralités / General
Employment Relations Act Symposium, Special Issue, New Zealand Journal of Industrial Relations, vol. 26, no 1, 2001, 1–130.
« Models of International Labor Standards », Richard N. Block, Karen Roberts, Cynthia Ozeki, and Myron J. Roomkin, Industrial Relations, vol. 40, no 2, 2001, 258–292.
« Deliberative Governance and EU Social Policy », Paul Teague, European Journal of Industrial Relations, vol. 7, no 1, 2001, 7–26.
« Industrial Relations and the Regulation of Employment in Europe », Evelyne Léonard, European Journal of Industrial Relations, vol. 7, no 1, 2001, 27–48.
« Transnational Worker Representation and Transnational Training Needs : The Case of European Works Councils », Doug Miller, International Journal of Training and Development, vol. 5, no 1, 2001, 34–51.