Alone among industrialized nations, the United States lacks a program guaranteeing universal access to health care. In this context, Marie Gottschalk’s The Shadow Welfare State: Labor, Business, and the Politics of Health Care in the United States, is an intelligent and encyclopaedic account of labour’s efforts on behalf of health care reform in the U.S. This very well written and engaging book touches myriad issues in the history of labour, social democracy, and American political institutions. The introduction stresses gaps in scholarship on labour, health policy, and the welfare state. Chapter 2 documents the poorly understood role of organized labour in the development of the “private welfare state” in the United States. Chapter 3 follows with a chronicle of labour’s experience with job-based health benefits. In chapter 4, Gottschalk argues that American labour began to abandon its commitment to national health insurance in a capitulation to the politics of expediency in the years of the Carter presidency. Chapter 5 links labour’s changing strategy on health care reform to misguided efforts to forge coalitions with big business. Chapters 6 and 7 set out Gottschalk’s critique of labour’s broad approach to political economy. The final chapter addresses the future of labour activism and health care reform. Gottschalk contends that labour’s increasing investment in a private health care system, particularly its reliance upon health and welfare funds jointly administered with employers, has dulled its appetite for fundamental health care reform: the goal of universal health insurance. Although labour movements around the world have traditionally supported socialized medicine, in the 1980s the AFL-CIO and many affiliated unions turned toward the strategy of an employer mandate, rather than a “single-payer,” government health insurance system. In explaining this shift, Gottschalk stresses the role of institutions, that is, the inertial effects of union investment in a private insurance system. She also argues that unions became increasingly allied with employers in combating the perils of international competition and therefore came to expect that employers dissatisfied with health care costs would be allies for health care reform. Gottschalk believes that unions should have joined public interest groups in a campaign for a single-payer system rather than seek alliances in the business community. Especially in an era in which enterprises offer increasingly unstable employment and declining prospects for careers, it seems particularly inappropriate to base health care access on place of employment. Moreover, strategic alliances with employers place unions in a political bind and disappoint labour’s real allies among the downtrodden. Gottschalk makes some errors in her analysis, however. In particular, she seems to mistake the 1991 AFL-CIO health-care committee’s deadlock on the single-payer approach and the federation’s subsequent embrace of the employer mandate approach (in support of Democratic Party initiatives for health care reform) for a fundamental ideological shift. Unions have often sponsored welfare funds whose value in organizing has dampened enthusiasm for government programs like single payer. The building trades’ link to the profit-making Union Labor Life Insurance Company has had this effect. That a segment of organized labour is cool to some governmental solutions to workers’ problems is not a new development. On the other hand, the more liberal industrial and public sector unions have long been sympathetic to the single-payer approach and other social democratic initiatives that serve union members and the broader working class. The United Auto Workers led the campaign for single-payer national health insurance from the 1960s into the 1980s. The American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees has been a leading backer of the single-payer approach more recently. With the defeat of the Clinton approach, some union leaders have returned …
The Shadow Welfare State: Labor, Business, and the Politics of Health Care in the United States by Marie Gottschalk, Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2000, 320 pp., ISBN 0-8014-3745-8 (cloth) and 0-8014-8648-3 (paper).[Notice]
…plus d’informations
David Jacobs
American University