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Sexton, Jean. « Shutdown: The Impact of Plant Shutdown, Extensive Employment Terminations and Layoffs on the Workers and the Community, by J.N. Eleen and A.G. Bernardine, Ontario Federation of Labour, Research Department, 1971, 135 pp. » Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations, volume 27, numéro 4, 1972, p. 797–798.
Sexton, J. (1972). Compte rendu de [Shutdown: The Impact of Plant Shutdown, Extensive Employment Terminations and Layoffs on the Workers and the Community, by J.N. Eleen and A.G. Bernardine, Ontario Federation of Labour, Research Department, 1971, 135 pp.] Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations, 27(4), 797–798.
- Chicago
Sexton, Jean « Shutdown: The Impact of Plant Shutdown, Extensive Employment Terminations and Layoffs on the Workers and the Community, by J.N. Eleen and A.G. Bernardine, Ontario Federation of Labour, Research Department, 1971, 135 pp. ». Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations 27, no 4 (1972) : 797–798.
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