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Dion, Gérard. « America's Forgotten Labor Organization. A Survey of the Role of the Single-Firm Independent Union in American Industry by Arthur B. Shostak. Industrial Relations Section. Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, 1962, 139 pp. » Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations, volume 18, numéro 1, janvier 1963, p. 136–136.
Dion, G. (1963). Compte rendu de [America's Forgotten Labor Organization. A Survey of the Role of the Single-Firm Independent Union in American Industry by Arthur B. Shostak. Industrial Relations Section. Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, 1962, 139 pp.] Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations, 18(1), 136–136.
- Chicago
Dion, Gérard « America's Forgotten Labor Organization. A Survey of the Role of the Single-Firm Independent Union in American Industry by Arthur B. Shostak. Industrial Relations Section. Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, 1962, 139 pp. ». Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations 18, no 1 (1963) : 136–136.
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