Volume 45, numéro 3, été 2022 ‘Hi cursus fecere novos…’ Studies in Latin Humanism ‘Hi cursus fecere novos…’ Études sur l’humanisme latin Sous la direction de Myron McShane et John Nassichuk
Sommaire (47 articles)
Virgil’s Hero, Turnus: Maffeo Vegio’s and Pier Candido Decembrio’s Supplements to the Aeneid (with a New Edition and Translation of Decembrio)
The Renaissance of Astrological Poetry: Scientific Sources of Basinio da Parma’s Astronomicon libri
Beyond the Literary Sources of Augurello’s Chrysopoeia
Coryciana: The Spaces of the Collection
Ut legis, ita vertis ! Autour de deux traductions françaises de Platon à la Renaissance
Claude Boudan, moine célestin et poète des Guerres de religion en France
Le poète et le roi : les Poemata de Benedetto Tagliacarne (ca. 1480–1536), dit Théocrène
Digital Resource Reviews / Comptes-rendus sur les ressources numériques
Introduction: Digital Emblematica / Emblematica Númerique
Wade, Mara R., PI, Timothy W. Cole, co-PI, and Myung-Ja K. Han, co-PI; Thomas Stäcker, German PI, and Andrea Opitz, co-PI. Emblematica Online. Other
Brandhorst, Hans, and Etienne Posthumus, eds. Arkyves (Emblem Books). Database
Adams, Alison, project dir. Glasgow University Emblem Website. Other
Stronks, Els, project lead. Emblem Project Utrecht. Database
López Poza, Sagrario, and Nieves R. Brisaboa, project dirs. Biblioteca Digital de Emblemática Hispánica. Database
Ojeda, Almerindo E., project dir. PESSCA: Project on the Engraved Sources of Spanish Colonial Art. Database
Calderón, Carme López, project dir. Galicones. Database
Bitterli, Dieter, project dir. emblemata.ch: An Inventory of Applied Emblems in Switzerland. Other
Stelts, Sandra, project dir. The English Emblem Book Project. Database
Nummendal, Tara, and Donna Bilak, eds. Furnace and Fugue: A Digital Edition of Michael Maier’s Atalanta fugiens (1618) with Scholarly Commentary
Book Reviews / Comptes rendus
Aers, David. Versions of Election: From Langland and Aquinas to Calvin and Milton
Benay, Erin. Italy by Way of India: Translating Art and Devotion in the Early Modern World
Blair, Ann, and Nicholas Popper, eds. New Horizons for Early Modern European Scholarship
Brege, Brian. Tuscany in the Age of Empire
Chettle, Henry. Kind-Heart’s Dream and Piers Plainness: Two Pamphlets from the Elizabethan Book Trade. Ed. Donald A. Beecher and Grant Williams
Christopoulos, John. Abortion in Early Modern Italy
Conroy, Derval, éd. Towards an Equality of the Sexes in Early Modern France
D’Avenia, Fabrizio. Giannettino Doria. Cardinale della Corona spagnola (1573–1642)
Erculiani, Camilla. Letters on Natural Philosophy: The Scientific Correspondence of a Sixteenth-Century Pharmacist, with Related Texts. Ed. Eleonora Carinci. Trans. Hannah Marcus. Foreword by Paula Findlen
Freebury-Jones, Darren. Reading Robert Greene: Recovering Shakespeare’s Rival
Freidel, Nathalie. Le Temps des « écriveuses ». L’oeuvre pionnière des épistolières au XVIIe siècle
Gringore, Pierre. Oeuvres moralisatrices I (1499–1510). Éd. Cynthia J. Brown
Hammons, Pamela S., and Brandie R. Siegfried, eds. World-Making Renaissance Women: Rethinking Early Modern Women’s Place in Literature and Culture
Howard, Nicole. Loath to Print: The Reluctant Scientific Author, 1500–1750
Kaethler, Mark. Thomas Middleton and the Plural Politics of Jacobean Drama
Lombart, Nicolas et Silvère Menegaldo, éds. La fortune de Jean de Meun dans les lettres françaises à la fin du Moyen-Âge et à la Renaissance
Luckyj, Christina. Liberty and the Politics of the Female Voice in Early Stuart England
Maratsos, Jessica A. Pontormo and the Art of Devotion in Renaissance Italy
Marrache-Gouraud, Myriam. La légende des objets. Le cabinet de curiosités réfléchi par son catalogue (Europe, XVIe–XVIIe siècles)
Martin, John Jeffries. A Beautiful Ending: The Apocalyptic Imagination and the Making of the Modern World
McCall, Timothy. Brilliant Bodies: Fashioning Courtly Men in Early Renaissance Italy
Meserve, Margaret. Papal Bull: Print, Politics, and Propaganda in Renaissance Rome
Michelson, Emily. Catholic Spectacle and Rome’s Jews: Early Modern Conversion and Resistance
Ruiz, Carrie L., and Elena Rodríguez-Guridi, eds. Shipwreck in the Early Modern Hispanic World. Foreword by Josiah Blackmore
Scala, Flaminio. The Fake Husband, A Comedy. Ed. and trans. Rosalind Kerr
Schurman, Anna Maria van. Letters and Poems to and from Her Mentor and Other Members of Her Circle. Ed. and trans. Anne R. Larsen and Steve Maiullo
Shai, Meital. The Cosmos at Home: The Fresco Cycle of Villa Grimani Molin at Fratta Polesine