Renaissance and Reformation
Renaissance et Réforme

Volume 41, numéro 2, printemps 2018

Sommaire (41 articles)


  1. The Classical Commentary in Renaissance France: Bilingual, Mixed-Language, and Translated Editions
  2. Reading Ritual: Biblical Hermeneutics and the Liturgical “Text” in Pre-Reformation England
  3. Sion and Elizium: National Identity, Religion, and Allegiance in Anthony Copley’s A Fig for Fortune
  4. What’s Wrong with Mis-devotion? A John Donne Enigma
  5. Friction in the Archives: Storytelling in Sixteenth-Century Anabaptism


Book Reviews / Comptes rendus

  1. Anonymous. The Life of Lazarillo de Tormes, His Fortunes and Adversities, trans. and ed. Ilan Stavans
  2. Arnold, Matthieu. Les femmes dans la correspondance de Luther
  3. Barnes, Bernardine. Michelangelo and the Viewer in His Time
  4. Borris, Kenneth. Visionary Spenser and the Poetics of Early Modern Platonism
  5. Boutcher, Warren. The School of Montaigne in Early Modern Europe. Vol. 1, The Patron-Author. Vol. 2, The Reader-Writer
  6. Burke, Peter. Hybrid Renaissance: Culture, Language, Architecture
  7. Caravale, Giorgio. Beyond the Inquisition: Ambrogio Catarino Politi and the Origins of the Counter-Reformation. Trans. Donald Weinstein
  8. Cassen, Flora. Marking the Jews in Renaissance Italy: Politics, Religion, and the Power of Symbols
  9. Chapman, George. Homer’s Odyssey. Ed. Gordon Kendal
  10. Cossar, Roisin. Clerical Households in Late Medieval Italy
  11. Cicerchia, Andrea. Giuristi al servizio del papa. Il Tribunale dell’auditor Camerae nella giustizia pontificia di età moderna
  12. D’Amico, Silvia, and Catherine Magnien-Simonin, eds. Gabriele Simeoni (1509–1570?). Un Florentin en France entre princes et libraires
  13. d’Auge, Marguerite, Renée Burlamacchi, and Jeanne du Laurens. Sin and Salvation in Early Modern France: Three Women’s Stories. Ed. and intro. Colette H. Winn, trans. Nicholas Van Handel and Colette H. Winn
  14. Desrosiers, Diane, Claude La Charité, Christian Veilleux, and Tristan Vigliano, eds. Rabelais et l’hybridité des récits rabelaisiens
  15. Estienne, Henri. Nundinarum Francofordiensium encomium. Éloge de la foire de Francfort. Ein Lob auf die Frankfurter Messe. Encomium of the Frankfurt Fair
  16. Filippi, Daniele V., and Michael Noone, eds. Listening to Early Modern Catholicism: Perspectives from Musicology
  17. Gibbons, Daniel R. Conflicts of Devotion: Liturgical Poetics in Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century England
  18. Glixon, Jonathan E. Mirrors of Heaven or Worldly Theaters? Venetian Nunneries and Their Music
  19. González Tornel, Pablo. Roma hispánica. Cultura festiva española en la capital del Barroco
  20. Hui, Andrew. The Poetics of Ruins in Renaissance Literature
  21. Hunt, John M. The Vacant See in Early Modern Rome: A Social History of the Papal Interregnum
  22. Karagiannis-Mazeaud, Édith, éd. Strasbourg, ville de l’imprimerie. L’édition princeps aux XVe et XVIe siècles (textes et images). Tradition et innovations
  23. Manuzio, Aldo. Lettere prefatorie a edizioni greche
  24. Marshall, Peter. Heretics and Believers: A History of the English Reformation
  25. Ménager, Daniel. L’aventure pastorale
  26. Nazarian, Cynthia N. Love’s Wounds: Violence and the Politics of Poetry in Early Modern Europe
  27. Pangallo, Matteo. Playwriting Playgoers in Shakespeare’s Theater
  28. Posset, Franz. Marcus Marulus and the Biblia Latina of 1489: An Approach to His Biblical Hermeneutics
  29. Prevost-Marcilhacy, Pauline, éd. Les Rothschild, une dynastie de mécènes en France
  30. Rabelais, François. Les Cinq livres des faits et dits de Gargantua et Pantagruel. Édition intégrale bilingue. Sous la direction de Marie-Madeleine Fragonard avec la collaboration de Mathilde Bernard et Nancy Oddo. Adaptation de l’ancien français par Marie-Madeleine Fragonard
  31. Rycaut, Paul. The Present State of the Ottoman Empire: Sixth Edition, 1686. Ed. with intro. John Anthony Butler
  32. Servetus, Michel. Apologie contre Leonhart Fuchs. Édition et traduction de Jean Dupèbe
  33. Sforza, Ippolita Maria. Duchess and Hostage in Renaissance Naples: Letters and Orations. Ed. and trans. Diana Robin and Lynn Lara Westwater
  34. Welch, Ellen R. A Theater of Diplomacy: International Relations and the Performing Arts in Early Modern France
  35. Willis, Jonathan. The Reformation of the Decalogue: Religious Identity and the Ten Commandments in England, c. 1485–1625

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