Volume 40, numéro 4, automne 2017 Piety and Conflict in the Early Reformation Sous la direction de Andrew Gow et Robert J. Bast
Sommaire (40 articles)
The Extract of Various Prophecies: Apocalypticism and Mass Media in the Early Reformation
Why Was There Even a Reformation in Lindau? The Myth and Mystery of Lindau’s Conflict-Free Reformation
Sex, Blasphemy, and the Block: The Trial and Execution of Ludwig Hätzer
Utz Richsner as Ideologue of the Schilling Uprising in Augsburg, 1524
Sometimes It’s the Place: The Anabaptist Kingdom Revisited
After the Peasants’ War: Barbara (Schweikart) von Fuchstein Fights for Her Property
The Problem of Nationalism in the Early Reformation
Book Reviews / Comptes rendus
AA. VV. La Renaissance en Europe dans sa diversité. Tome 1, Les pouvoirs et lieux de pouvoir. Giuliato, Gérard, Marta Peguera Poch, et Stefano Simiz (éds.). Tome 2, Les savoirs, les savoir-faire et leurs transmissions. P. Gasparini, D. Morali, R. Théron, H. Vacher (éds.). Tome 3, Circulation des hommes, des idées et des biens, héritages. L. Chvedova, M. Deshaies, S. Fiszer, M.-S. Ortola (éds.)
Alessi, Niccolò. Columbeidos sive Vita b. Columbae virginis reatinae ordinis de Poenitentia S. Dominici. Ed. Andrea Maiarelli
Archer, Harriet, and Andrew Hadfield, eds. A Mirror for Magistrates in Context: Literature, History and Politics in Early Modern England
Bach, Volker. The Kitchen, Food, and Cooking in Reformation Germany
Caravale, Giorgio. Preaching and Inquisition in Renaissance Italy: Words on Trial. Trans. Frank Gordon
Cornelius, Michael G. Edward II and a Literature of Same-Sex Love: The Gay King in Fiction, 1590–1640
Desan, Philippe, ed. The Oxford Handbook of Montaigne
Erasmus, Desiderius. L’éducation du prince chrétien (ou l’art de gouverner)
Falkeid, Unn, and Aileen A. Feng, eds. Rethinking Gaspara Stampa in the Canon of Renaissance Poetry
Feitler, Bruno. The Imaginary Synagogue: Anti-Jewish Literature in the Portuguese Early Modern World (16th–18th Centuries)
Ficino, Marsilio. The Letters of Marsilio Ficino: Volume 10 Being a Translation of Liber XI. Trans. members of the Language Department of the London School of Economics
Garnier, Édith. Guillaume du Bellay, l’ange gardien de François Ier
Gatti, Hilary. Ideas of Liberty in Early Modern Europe: From Machiavelli to Milton
Gehring, Ulrike, and Pieter Weibel, eds. Mapping Spaces: Networks of Knowledge in 17th Century Landscape Painting
Gilmont, Jean-François. GLN 15–16. Les éditions imprimées à Genève, Lausanne et Neuchâtel aux XVe et XVIe siècles
Graham, Kenneth J. E. Disciplinary Measures from the Metrical Psalms to Milton
James, Anne. Poets, Players, and Preachers: Remembering the Gunpowder Plot in Seventeenth-Century England
Kahn, Didier, ed. La Messe Alchimique attribuée à Melchior de Sibiu
King, Margaret L., ed. and trans. Reformation Thought: An Anthology of Sources
Lay, Jenna. Beyond the Cloister: Catholic Englishwomen and Early Modern Literary Culture
Nejeschleba, Tomáš, and Paul Richard Blum, eds. Francesco Patrizi: Philosopher of the Renaissance
Rico, Francisco. I venerdì del Petrarca. Seguito da “Profilo biografico del Petrarca” in collaborazione con Luca Marcozzi
Rollo-Koster, Joëlle. Avignon and Its Papacy, 1309–1417: Popes, Institutions, and Society
Ross, Sarah Gwyneth. Everyday Renaissances: The Quest for Cultural Legitimacy in Venice
Salonen, Kirsi. Papal Justice in the Late Middle Ages: The Sacra Romana Rota
Schneider, Federico. Unexpected Competitive Contexts in Early Opera: Monteverdi’s Milanese Challenge to Florence’s Euridice (1600)
Selderhuis, Herman J., ed. Psalms 1–72
Tamburini, Elena. Culture ermetiche e Commedia dell’Arte: Tra Giulio Camillo e Flaminio Scala
Vela y Cueto, Maria. Autobiography and Letters of a Spanish Nun. Ed. Susan Diane Laningham and trans. Jane Tar.
Wickham, Chris. Medieval Europe
Yver, Jacques. Le Printemps d’Yver