Citer cet article
Terpstra, Nicholas. « Nevola, Fabrizio. Siena: Constructing the Renaissance City / Syson, Luke (ed.). Renaissance Siena: Art for a City / Steinhoff, Judith B. Sienese Painting After the Black Death: Artistic Pluralism, Politics, and the New Art Market. » Renaissance and Reformation / Renaissance et Réforme, volume 34, numéro 1-2, hiver–printemps 2011, p. 282–286.
Terpstra, N. (2011). Compte rendu de [Nevola, Fabrizio. Siena: Constructing the Renaissance City / Syson, Luke (ed.). Renaissance Siena: Art for a City / Steinhoff, Judith B. Sienese Painting After the Black Death: Artistic Pluralism, Politics, and the New Art Market]. Renaissance and Reformation / Renaissance et Réforme, 34(1-2), 282–286.
- Chicago
Terpstra, Nicholas « Nevola, Fabrizio. Siena: Constructing the Renaissance City / Syson, Luke (ed.). Renaissance Siena: Art for a City / Steinhoff, Judith B. Sienese Painting After the Black Death: Artistic Pluralism, Politics, and the New Art Market ». Renaissance and Reformation / Renaissance et Réforme 34, no 1-2 (2011) : 282–286.
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