This study examines the relationship between religiosity and purpose in life among young Muslim refugees (n = 222; Mage = 20.18 years) in Germany, a topic little explored to date. Consistent with previous research, respondents felt a moderate but positive sense of purpose in life, which was fostered by religiosity. Regression analysis demonstrated that even after controlling for physical health and social support, religiosity remained a substantial predictor of purpose in life; its effect size did not differ significantly from the other two variables in the model. The findings emphasize the importance of religiosity and social support for young Muslim refugees’ well-being.
- adolescents,
- refugees,
- immigration,
- religiosity,
- Islam,
- meaning of life,
- purpose in life
Cette étude examine la relation entre la religiosité et le sentiment d’avoir un but dans la vie chez les jeunes réfugiés musulmans (n = 222; âge moyen = 20,18 ans) en Allemagne, un sujet peu exploré jusqu’à présent. Conformément aux recherches précédentes, les personnes interrogées avaient un sentiment modéré mais positif d’avoir un but dans la vie, qui était favorisé par la religiosité. L’analyse de régression a montré que même après avoir tenu compte de la santé physique et du soutien social, la religiosité restait un facteur prédictif important du sentiment d’avoir un but dans la vie, l’ampleur de son effet ne différant pas de manière significative des deux autres variables du modèle. Les résultats soulignent l’importance de la religiosité et du soutien social pour le bien-être des jeunes réfugiés musulmans.
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Biographical notes
Daniel Engel
Daniel Engel is a Research Assistant at the Chair of Practical Theology and Religious Education in the Department of Catholic Theology at the University of Siegen. He can be reached at daniel.engel@uni-siegen.de.
Marcus Penthin
Marcus Penthin is a Research Assistant at the Chair of Religious Education and Didactics of Protestant Religious Education in the Department of Didactics at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. He can be reached at marcus.penthin@fau.de.
Manfred L. Pirner
Manfred Pirner is a Chair and an Ordinary Professor of Religious Education in the Department of Didactics at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. He can be reached at manfred.pirner@fau.de.
Ulrich Riegel
Ulrich Riegel is a Professor of Catholic Theology, Practical Theology and Religious Education in the Department of Catholic Theology at the University of Siegen. He can be reached at ulrich.riegel@uni-siegen.de.
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