Le sociologue et ethnographe Iddo Tavory contribue depuis plusieurs années à un renouvellement des pratiques en recherches qualitatives. Cette entrevue offre un aperçu des questions qui ont guidé Tavory dans ses projets empiriques et théoriques, tout en explicitant des concepts au coeur de ses travaux, tels que l’approche abductive, les communautés d’interrogation, la convocation et l’anticipation.
Mots-clés :
- Recherche qualitative,
- abduction,
- convocation,
- anticipation,
- interactionnisme,
- ethnométhodologie
Sociologist and ethnographer Iddo Tavory has contributed for a number of years to a renewal in practices of qualitative research. This interview provides an overview of the questions that guided Tavory in his empirical and theoretical projects while also making explicit the concepts central to his work, such as the abductive approach, communities of inquiry, convocation and anticipation.
- Qualitative research,
- abduction,
- convocation,
- anticipation,
- interactionism,
- ethnomethodology
Parties annexes
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- Tavory, I. (2016). Summoned: Identification and religious life in a Jewish neighborhood. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
- Tavory, I. (2018). Between situations: Anticipation, rhythms, and the theory of interaction. Sociological Theory, 36(2), 117-133.
- Tavory, I., & Eliasoph, N. (2013). Coordinating futures: Toward a theory of anticipation. American Journal of Sociology, 118(4), 908-942.
- Tavory, I., & Goodman, Y. C. (2009). “A collective of individuals”: Between self and solidarity in a rainbow gathering. Sociology of Religion, 70(3), 262-284.
- Tavory, I., & Swidler, A. (2009). Condom semiotics: Meaning and condom use in rural Malawi. American Sociological Review, 74(2), 171-189.
- Tavory, I., & Timmermans, S. (2009). Two cases of ethnography: Grounded theory and the extended case method. Ethnography, 10(3), 243-263.
- Tavory, I., & Timmermans, S. (2013). A pragmatist approach to causality in ethnography. American Journal of Sociology, 119(3), 682-714.
- Tavory, I., & Timmermans, S. (2014). Abductive analysis: Theorizing qualitative research. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
- Tavory, I., & Timmermans, S. (2018). Mechanisms. Dans C. Jerolmack, & S. Khan (Éds), Approaches to ethnography. Analysis and representation in participant observation (pp. 129-154). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Tavory, I., & Winchester, D. (2012). Experiential careers: The routinization and de-routinization of religious life. Theory and Society, 41(4), 351-373.
- Timmermans, S., & Tavory, I. (2007). Advancing ethnographic research through grounded theory practice. Dans A. Bryant, & K. Charmaz (Éds), The Sage handbook of grounded theory (pp. 493-513). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
- Timmermans, S., & Tavory, I. (2012). Theory construction in qualitative research: From grounded theory to abductive analysis. Sociological theory, 30(3), 167-186.
- Trouille, D., & Tavory, I. (2019). Shadowing: Warrants for intersituational variation in ethnography. Sociological Methods & Research, 48(3), 534-560.