Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos

Volume 45, numéro 3, printemps 2021

Sommaire (27 articles)

Articles / Artículos

  1. The Dynamics of Triangulation in Cervantes’s El amante liberal
  2. Ambivalencia y toxicidad: el vínculo materno-filial en Distancia de rescate de Samanta Schweblin
  3. Letradura, entendimiento y buen seso. El consejero regio en el Libro de los estados de Juan Manuel
  4. (Di)Simulation of the Bestiary Genre in Animalia exstinta by Esteban Seimandi, Hugo Horita, and Juan Cruz Bazterrica
  5. Espectacularidad y gestualidad: anverso y reverso de la masculinidad en los cuentos de Rafael F. Muñoz
  6. Mapping the Memory of Armed Conflict through Cancer in Gabriela Ybarra’s El comensal and Héctor Abad Faciolince’s El olvido que seremos
  7. Breaking with the Past: The Renegotiation of Emilia Pardo Bazán’s Legacy and Gonzalo Suárez’s Los pazos de Ulloa
  8. Del desengaño de la guerra a la desencialización de la identidad: el viaje del capitán Domingo de Toral y Valdés
  9. New Liberalisms for the Masses: Ontological Aristocratism and Equal Rights in José Ortega y Gasset’s La rebelión de las masas (1930) and María Zambrano’s Horizonte del liberalismo (1930)
  10. Miguel Mármol, aspirante a mártir marxista: Testimonio y verdad en Miguel Mármol (1972), de Roque Dalton
  11. Walking on the Wild Side: Indigeneity, Passion, and Nation in Guillermo Saccomanno’s La lengua del malón
  12. Affect and Emotions in Two Chilean Postmemory Narratives: La dimensión desconocida by Nona Fernández and La resta by Alia Trabucco Zerán

Book Reviews / Reseñas

  1. DANIEL AGUIRRE-OTEIZA. This Ghostly Poetry. History and Memory of Exiled Spanish Republican Poets. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 2020. 369 pp.
  2. MANEL BELLMUNT SERRANO AND JOAN MAHIQUES CLIMENT, EDS. Literature, Science & Religion. Textual Transmission and Translation in Medieval and Early Modern Europe. Kassel: Edition Reichenberger, 2020. 466 pp.
  3. JUSTIN CRUMBAUGH AND NIL SANTIÁÑEZ. Spanish Fascist Writing. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 2021. 301 pp.
  4. MAR DIESTRO-DÓPIDO. Film Festivals: Cinema and Cultural Exchange. Cambridge: Legenda, 2021. 227 pp.
  5. ENRIQUE GARCÍA SANTO-TOMÁS. Signos vitales. Procreación e imagen en la narrativa áurea. Madrid/Frankfurt am Main: Iberoamericana-Vervuert, 2020, 364 pp.
  6. NIALL H. D. GERAGHTY. The Polyphonic Machine: Capitalism, Political Violence, & Resistance in Contemporary Argentine Literature. U of Pittsburgh P, 2018. 304 pp.
  7. SUE E. HOUCHINS AND BALTASAR FRA-MOLINERO, EDS. AND TRANS. Black Bride of Christ. Chicaba, an African Nun in Eighteenth-Century Spain. Nashville: Vanderbilt UP, 2018. 305 pp.
  8. AMY K. KAMINSKY. The Other/Argentina: Jews, Gender, and Sexuality in the Making of a Modern Nation. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2021. 244 pp.
  9. RICHARD KINKADE. Dawn of a Dynasty: The Life and Times of Infante Manuel of Castile. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 2020. 516 pp.
  10. ANA MARÍA LAGUNA AND JOHN BEUSTERIEN, EDS. Goodbye Eros: Recasting Forms and Norms of Love in the Age of Cervantes. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 2020. 281 pp.
  11. MARÍA ROSA LOJO. Free Women in the Pampas. A Novel about Victoria Ocampo. Ed. and trans. Norman Cheadle. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s UP. 2021. 238 pp.
  12. N. MICHELLE MURRAY. Home Away from Home: Immigrant Narratives, Domesticity, and Coloniality in Contemporary Spanish Culture. Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P, 2018. 226 pp.
  13. CARRIE L. RUIZ AND ELENA RODRIGUEZ-GURIDI, EDS. Shipwreck in the Early Modern Hispanic World. Fwd. Josiah Blackmore. Lewisburg: Bucknell UP 2022. viii + 164 pp.
  14. TOM WHITTAKER. The Spanish Quinqui Film. Delinquency, Sound, Sensation. Manchester: Manchester UP, 2020. 233 pp.

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Anciens numéros de Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos