Volume 48, numéro 2, 2023 The Sources of Research‑Creation: Historical and Multiple Perspectives Aux sources de la recherche‑création : perspectives historique et multiple Sous la direction de Isabelle Pichet et Cynthia Hammond
Sommaire (18 articles)
Editors' Note
Mot de la rédaction
Introduction : aux sources de la recherche création : perspectives historique et multiple
Introduction: The Sources of Research-Creation: Historical and Multiple Perspectives
“Photographs of Lightning”: The Intersection of Research and Creation in Leo Daft’s Photographs of Electric Sparks
Journeys, Merged Objects, and Public Art: Situating Practices of Salish Weaving as Research-Creation
How to Use Colonial Discourse Against Colonialism: Strategies of Research-Creation in French Symbolist Art, ca. 1890
Lettres sur la danse et sur les ballets de Jean-Georges Noverre : un plaidoyer pour la « recherche-création » au XVIIIe siècle ?
D’une pratique incarnée de l’espace architecturé à une dynamique de l’intériorité : autour de l’ingénierie domestique et d’une féminisation de l’emprise sur l’espace domestique
From John Cage to the Outdoor School: Activating the “Minor” through Mycological Forays
Trouble dans le positivisme, la création en tant que recherche : le cas de La zona del silencio
Interviews / Entrevues
Practices / Pratiques
Reviews / Recensions
Susanna Caviglia, History, painting, and the seriousness of pleasure in the age of Louis XV, Oxford, Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment, 2020, 281 p., 24 ill. coul., 63 ill. n&b, £65.00 (relié) ISBN 9781789620399
Julie Crooks, Dominique Fontaine, Silvia Forni, eds., Making History: Visual Arts & Blackness in Canada, Toronto and Vancouver: Royal Ontario Museum; On Point Press: 2023, 255 pp., illustrations (chiefly colour), $50.00 (paper) ISBN 9780774890649
Diana Nemiroff, Women at the Helm: How Jean Sutherland Boggs, Hsio-yen Shih, and Shirley L. Thomson Changed the National Gallery of Canada, Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2021, 552 pp., 85 illus., $44.95 (paper) ISBN 9780228008736
Stephanie Springgay, Feltness: Research-Creation, Socially Engaged Art, and Affective Pedagogies, Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2022, 224 pp., 63 color illus, $25.95 (paper) ISBN 9781478018902
Dana Claxton and Ezra Winton, eds., Indigenous Media Arts in Canada: Making, Caring, Sharing, Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2023, 450 pp., b&w illus., $44.99 (paper) ISBN 9781771125413