Volume 47, numéro 2, 2022 salt. For the preservation of Black diasporic visual histories salt. Pour la préservation des récits historiques visuels des diasporas noires Sous la direction de Pamela Edmonds et Joana Joachim
Sommaire (22 articles)
Editors’ Note
Mot de la rédaction
Introduction: salt. For the preservation of Black diasporic visual histories
Introduction : salt. Pour la préservation des récits historiques visuels des diasporas noires
Africa is the Future : un film de Nicolas Premier : aux confluences des expériences africaines et afrodescendantes qui transcendent l’espace-temps – ou comment guérir de traumatismes répétés ?
“It has just begun”: Strawcraft in Bahamian Visual Culture
More Life—Beyond the Archival & the Algorithmic
Spoken Softly with Mama: Memory, Monuments, and Black Women’s Spaces in Cuba
Interview / Entrevue
Practices / Pratiques
Thematic Reviews / Recensions thématiques
Teju Cole, Liz Ikiriko, Mark Sealy, et al., As We Rise: Photography from the Black Atlantic: Selections from the Wedge Collection, New York: Aperture, 2021, 184 pp. 142 b/w and colour illus., $65.00 (hardcover) ISBN9781597115100
Blackity, Artexte, Montreal September 23, 2021 to June 23, 2022, Curated by Joana Joachim
Julie Crooks, ed., Fragments of Epic Memory, Toronto: Art Gallery of Ontario/DelMonico Books D.A.P., 2021, 274 pp. 100 colour, 50 b/w illus., $40.00 (hardcover) ISBN 9781636810126
Jan Wade et al., Jan Wade: Soul Power, exh. cat., Vancouver: Information Office and the Vancouver Art Gallery, 2022, 176 pp. 150+ colour illus., $35.00 (paper) ISBN 9781988860138
Tina M. Campt, A Black Gaze: Artists Changing How We See, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2021, 232 pp. 78 colour & 33 b/w illus., $29.95 US (hardcover) ISBN 9780262045872 $24.95 US (paper) ISBN 9780262546058 (February 2023)
Stan Douglas: Revealing Narratives, PHI Foundation, Montreal, February 9 to May 22, 2022, Curated by Cheryl Sim
Reviews / Recensions
Martha Langford and Johanne Sloan, eds., Photogenic Montreal: Activisms and Archives in a Post-industrial City, Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2021, 368 pp. 136 colour illus., $49.95 (hardcover) ISBN 9780228008576
Anuradha Gobin, Picturing Punishment: The Spectacle and Material Afterlife of the Criminal Body in the Dutch Republic, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2021, 304 pp. 75 b&w & 25 colour illus., $80.00 (hardcover) ISBN 9781487503802 $80.00 (ePub) ISBN 9781487518813
Elsa Guyot, Rejouer l’histoire. Le Moyen Âge dans les musées du Québec, Montréal, Leméac Éditeur, 2021, 182 pp. $23.95 (papier) ISBN 9782760906136 $18.99 (ePub) ISBN 9782760967243
Tammy Gaber, Beyond the Divide: A Century of Canadian Mosque Design, Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2022, 304 pp. 306 photos, 135 drawings, all colour, $95.00 (cloth) ISBN 9780228008262