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Angus, Siobhan. « John O’Brian, The Bomb in the Wilderness: Photography and the Nuclear Era in Canada, Vancouver: UBC Press, 2020, 244 pp., 124 photos, 20 in colour, $32.95 (paperback) ISBN 9780774863889 / Claudette Lauzon, John O’Brian, eds., Through Post-Atomic Eyes, Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queens University Press, 2020, 496 pp., 158 colour photos, 3 maps, $49.95 (cloth) ISBN 9780228001393. » RACAR : Revue d'art canadienne / Canadian Art Review, volume 46, numéro 1, 2021, p. 105–107.
Angus, S. (2021). Compte rendu de [John O’Brian, The Bomb in the Wilderness: Photography and the Nuclear Era in Canada, Vancouver: UBC Press, 2020, 244 pp., 124 photos, 20 in colour, $32.95 (paperback) ISBN 9780774863889 / Claudette Lauzon, John O’Brian, eds., Through Post-Atomic Eyes, Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queens University Press, 2020, 496 pp., 158 colour photos, 3 maps, $49.95 (cloth) ISBN 9780228001393]. RACAR : Revue d'art canadienne / Canadian Art Review, 46(1), 105–107.
- Chicago
Angus, Siobhan « John O’Brian, The Bomb in the Wilderness: Photography and the Nuclear Era in Canada, Vancouver: UBC Press, 2020, 244 pp., 124 photos, 20 in colour, $32.95 (paperback) ISBN 9780774863889 / Claudette Lauzon, John O’Brian, eds., Through Post-Atomic Eyes, Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queens University Press, 2020, 496 pp., 158 colour photos, 3 maps, $49.95 (cloth) ISBN 9780228001393 ». RACAR : Revue d'art canadienne / Canadian Art Review 46, no 1 (2021) : 105–107.
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