Volume 46, numéro 1, 2021
Sommaire (20 articles)
UAAC/AAUC Recognition Award and Lifetime Achievement Award 2020 / Le prix de reconnaissance et le prix pour l’ensemble des réalisations de l’UAAC / AAUC pour l’année 2020
Omer Parent : artiste-décorateur
Man Scans: The Matter of Expertise in Art and Technology Histories
The Feminist Consciousness Raising Circle as Pedagogical Form in Suzanne Lacy and Julia London’s Freeze Frame (1982)
“She entered a room like a self-portrait”: Duration and Unfinish in Pegi Nicol MacLeod’s Self-Portraits
Impressionism and Imperialism in Maurice Cullen’s African River
Satire et sociabilité au coeur de la pratique caricaturale de Lady Dalhousie (1786-1839) : vers une histoire des femmes caricaturistes britanniques
Reviews / Recensions
John O’Brian, The Bomb in the Wilderness: Photography and the Nuclear Era in Canada, Vancouver: UBC Press, 2020, 244 pp., 124 photos, 20 in colour, $32.95 (paperback) ISBN 9780774863889 / Claudette Lauzon, John O’Brian, eds., Through Post-Atomic Eyes, Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queens University Press, 2020, 496 pp., 158 colour photos, 3 maps, $49.95 (cloth) ISBN 9780228001393
Rosemary Shipton, ed., Canada and Impressionism: New Horizons, Ottawa: National Gallery of Canada; Stuttgart: Arnoldsche Art Publishers, 2019, 296 pp., 290 colour illus., 20 b&w, $40.00 (hardcover) ISBN 9783897905474
Anthony White, Italian Modern Art in the Age of Fascism, New York: Routledge, 2020, 206 pp., 8 colour, 51 b/w illus., $160.00 US (hardcover) ISBN 9780367196271, $44.05 US (eBook) ISBN 9780429203541
Jacquelyn N. Coutré, with Piet Bakker, Janet M. Brooke, and Stephanie S. Dickey, Leiden circa 1630: Rembrandt Emerges, Kingston: Agnes Etherington Art Centre, 2019, 359 pp., colour illus., $30.00 (paper) ISBN 9781553394198
Bojana Videkanić, Nonaligned Modernism: Socialist Postcolonial Aesthetics in Yugoslavia, 1945–1985, Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2019, 320 pp., 60 b&w illus., $39.95 (paper) ISBN 9780773559462
François-Marc Gagnon, Jean Paul Riopelle and the Automatiste Movement, trans. Donald Winkler Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2020, 212 pp., 90 illus., $49.95 (hardcover) ISBN 9780228001157
M. Elizabeth Boone, “The Spanish Element in Our Nationality”: Spain and America at the World’s Fairs and Centennial Celebrations, 1876–1915, University Park, pa: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2019, 239 pp. 20 colour, 80 b&w illustrations, $99.95 US (h/c) ISBN 9780271083315
Lori Pauli, ed., Oscar G. Rejlander: Artist Photographer, Ottawa: Canadian Photography Institute of the National Gallery of Canada; Distributed by Yale University Press: New Haven and London, 2018, 300 pp., 194 illus., $40.00 (hardcover) ISBN 9780300237092
Emmanuel Alloa, Partages de la perspective, Paris, Fayard, coll. Ouvertures, 2020, 288 pp, 47 ill. coul., € 25,00 (relié) ISBN 9782213716633
Jillian Lerner, Graphic Culture. Illustration and Artistic Enterprise in Paris, 1830-1848, Montréal, Kingston, McGill-Queen University Press, 2018, 252 pp., 56 illus. couleur et noir & blanc, $49,95 (relié) ISBN 9780773554559
Phillip Spectre, Richard Hamilton: Introspective, Köln: Walther König, 2019, 408 pp., 540 colour and b/w illus., $110.00 US (cloth) ISBN 9783883756950
Anthony W. Lee, The Global Flows of Early Scottish Photography: Encounters in Scotland, Canada, and China, Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2019, 344 pp., 193 colour illus., $55.00 (cloth) ISBN 9780773557130
Natalie Alvarez, Claudette Lauzon, and Keren Zaiontz, eds., Sustainable Tools for Precarious Times: Performance Actions in the Americas, Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, 343 pp. 24 b/w and 10 colour illus., $139.99 US (hardcover) ISBN 9783030115562, $109.00 US (eBook) ISBN 9783030115579