Volume 44, numéro 1, 2019
Sommaire (20 articles)
Editors’ Note / Mot de la rédaction
UAAC-AAUC Recognition Award 2018 / Le Prix reconnaissance UAAC-AAUC 2018
François-Marc Gagnon (1935–2019). Legacy and Continuity / François-Marc Gagnon (1935–2019). Héritage et continuité
Modelling Sanctity: The Curious Case of Pierre Puget’s St. Alessandro Sauli
Soyons réalistes, demandons l’impossible ! Courbet 68
The Other(’s) Toronto Public Art: The Challenge of Displaying Canadians’ Narratives in a Multicultural/Diasporic City
Complicating Non-Indigeneities and Other Considerations around Race in the Art and Design University
Fairies, Passive Female Sexuality, and Idealized Female Archetypes at the Salons of the Rose + Croix
Re-Crafting Ornamental Display: Millie Chen’s Wallpaper Intervention in Chinoiserie Decorative Design
Eli Lotar and Jacques-André Boiffard aboard the Exir Dallen
Reviews / Recensions
Exhibitions, Manifestos, and the Seventieth Anniversary of Refus global
Leah Modigliani, Engendering an Avant-Garde: The Unsettled Landscapes of Vancouver Photo-Conceptualism, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2018, 296 pp. 41 b/w illus. £ 80 (hardcover) ISBN 9781526101198
Aki Odehi : cicatrices de la Terre-Mère, Centre d’exposition de Val-d’Or, 22 juin au 26 août 2018, commissaire : Sonia Robertson
Heather Davis, ed., Desire Change: Contemporary Feminist Art in Canada, Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press and MAWA, 2017, 328 pp. 94 colour illus. $ 45.00 (cloth) ISBN 9780773549371
Kristina Huneault, I’m not myself at all: Women, Art, and Subjectivity in Canada, Montréal et Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2016, 400 pp. 145 illus. coul. $ 65 (relié) ISBN 9780773553194
Dominic Hardy, Annie Gérin, and Lora Senechal Carney, eds., Sketches from an Unquiet Country: Canadian Graphic Satire 1840–1940, Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2018, 304 pp. 9 colour and 88 b/w illus. $ 120.00 (cloth) ISBN 9780773553415
Melissa Berry, The Société des Trois in the Nineteenth Century: The Translocal Artistic Union of Whistler, Fantin-Latour, and Legros, New York: Routledge, 2018, 152 pp. 37 b/w and 10 colour illus. $ 150 US (Hardcover) ISBN 9781138503151
Balenciaga: Master of Couture, McCord Museum, Montréal, June 15 to October 14, 2018, Organized by the Victoria & Albert Museum (V&A) of London. Curator: Cynthia Cooper, Head, Collections and Research, and Curator, Dress, Fashion and Textiles, McCord Museum
Diana Newall, ed., Art and Its Global Histories: A Reader, Manchester: Manchester University Press in association with the Open University, 2017, 344 pp. 17 b/w illus., 4 graphs £ 17.99 (paper) ISBN 9781526119926
John Leroux and Thaddeus Holownia, A Vision in Wood & Stone: The Architecture of Mount Allison University, Kentville, NS: Gaspereau Press Ltd, 2016, 234 pp. $ 65.95 (hardcover) ISBN 9781554471409