Volume 34, numéro 1, 2009 The Visual Culture of Science and Art in Fin-de-Siècle France La culture visuelle de la science et l’art dans la France fin-de-siècle Sous la direction de Serena Keshavjee
À la mémoire de Robert P. Welsh et Vojtěch Jirat-Wasiutyński
Dedicated to the memory of Robert P. Welsh and Vojtěch Jirat-Wasiutyński
Sommaire (11 articles)
Editorial Introduction: The Visual Culture of Science and Art in Fin-de-Siècle France / Mot de la rédactrice : la culture visuelle de la science et l’art dans la France fin-de-siècle
Into the Primeval Slime: Body and Self in Redon’s Evolutionary Universe
Mapping the Body and the Brain: Neurology and Localization Theory in the Work of Rodin
The Brush Stroke as Catastrophe: Gasquet’s Cézanne and the Paintings of Bibémus Quarry
Joséphin Péladan: Occultism, Catholicism, and Science in the Fin de Siècle
L’Art Inconscient: Imaging the Unconscious in Symbolist Art for the Théâtre d’art
Symbolism, Mediumship, and the “Study of the Soul that has Constituted Itself as a Positivist Science”
Occult Chemistry and the Theosophical Aesthetics of the Subatomic World
Livres / Books
Anthony Vidler, Histories of the Immediate Present: Inventing Architectural Modernism. Cambridge, Mass., MIT Press, 2008, 239 pp., ISBN-13: 978-0262720519
Margaret Iversen, Beyond Pleasure: Freud, Lacan, Barthes. University Park, PA, Pennsylvania State University Press, 2007, 204 pp., 20 colour and 12 black-and-white illus., paper $40 U.S., ISBN 978-0271029719
Peter Richardson and Douglas Richardson, photographs by John de Visser, Canadian Churches: An Architectural History. Buffalo, NY, Richmond Hill, ON, Firefly Books, 2007, 438 pp., 400 colour illust., $85 Cdn., ISBN-13: 978-1554072392