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Thom, Ian M. « Dennis Reid, Our Own Country Canada: Being an Account of the National Aspirations of the Principal Landscape Artists in Montreal and Toronto 1860-1890. Ottawa, National Gallery of Canada/National Museums of Canada, 1979. 454 + xvi pp., 179 illus., $29.95. » RACAR : Revue d'art canadienne / Canadian Art Review, volume 8, numéro 1, 1981, p. 85–86.
Thom, I. M. (1981). Compte rendu de [Dennis Reid, Our Own Country Canada: Being an Account of the National Aspirations of the Principal Landscape Artists in Montreal and Toronto 1860-1890. Ottawa, National Gallery of Canada/National Museums of Canada, 1979. 454 + xvi pp., 179 illus., $29.95]. RACAR : Revue d'art canadienne / Canadian Art Review, 8(1), 85–86.
- Chicago
Thom, Ian M. « Dennis Reid, Our Own Country Canada: Being an Account of the National Aspirations of the Principal Landscape Artists in Montreal and Toronto 1860-1890. Ottawa, National Gallery of Canada/National Museums of Canada, 1979. 454 + xvi pp., 179 illus., $29.95 ». RACAR : Revue d'art canadienne / Canadian Art Review 8, no 1 (1981) : 85–86.
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