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Parties annexes
- BEREITER, C. & SCARDAMALIA, M. (1982). «From Conversation to Composition: the Role of Instruction in a Developmental Process». In R. Glaser (Ed.) Advances in Instructional Psychology (vol. 2). Hillsdale, N.J. : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
- BRADLEY, Virginia (1982). «Improving Students' Writing with Microcomputers». Language Arts. Vol.59, n°7, octobre 1982., pp 732-743.
- GRAVES, Donald H. (1982). «Research Update: How do Writers Develop? Language Arts, Vol. 59, n° 2, février 1982, pp. 173-179.
- GUBA, Robert J. (1982). «Beyond the Typewriter». Classroom Computer News, mai/juin 1982.
- KLIEMANN, Glenn & HUMPRIES, Mary, (1982). «Word Processing in the Classroom». Compute\ mars 1982, numéro 2.
- SMITH, Frank (1982). Writing and the Writer. New York : Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
- PURDY,Sharon (1981).«UsingthePETwriter for Word Processing Readiness». ECOO Newsletter, Vol. 2, N° 4 : décembre 1981.
- WRESCH, William (1982). «Computers in English Class: Finally Beyond Grammar and Drills». College English. Volume 44, Numéro 5, septembre 1982.