In the 150 years between the time Sir William Dawson was lecturing on the diseases of fruit trees and vegetables, in 1856, and the plant pathology lectures given by Ajjamanda Kushalappa, in 2006, more than 29 members of the teaching staff at McGill University have given lectures that included significant amounts of plant pathology information. These were both men and women, at all academic levels, from lecturer to full professor, and on both campuses of McGill University. Their history shows that they have played a major role in Canadian plant pathology.
Au cours des 150 ans qui séparent le moment où sir William Dawson donnait des cours sur les maladies des arbres fruitiers et des légumes, en 1856, et les cours de phytopathologie donnés par Ajjamanda Kushalappa, en 2006, plus de 29 membres du corps professoral de l'Université McGill ont donné des cours dont une partie importante portait sur la phytopathologie. Ces membres étaient des hommes et des femmes, à des niveaux académiques variés, allant du chargé de cours au professeur agrégé, travaillant sur les deux campus de l'Université McGill. Leur histoire montre qu'ils ont joué un rôle majeur dans la phytopathologie canadienne.
Parties annexes
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- Anonymous. 1856. Annual Report of the Principal and Fellows of McGill University for 1855-56. Montreal, QC.
- Anonymous. 1907. Macdonald College calendar for 1907-08. Montreal, QC.
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- Crowell, I.H. 1940. The geographic distribution of the genus Gymnosporangium. Can. J. Res. 18 : 469-488.
- Dawson, J.W. 1864. First Lessons in Scientific Agriculture for Schools and Private Institutions. Montreal, QC.
- Derick, C.M. 1915. Dr. David Pearce Penhallow. Can. Rec. Sci. 9 : 387-390.
- Estey, R.H. 1974. John G. Coulson: a memorial tribute. Macdonald J. 35 : 7.
- Estey, R.H. 1994. Essays on the early History of Plant Pathology and Mycology in Canada. McGill–Queen’s University Press, Montreal, QC. pp. 206-208.
- Fraser, W.P. 1913. The rusts of Nova Scotia. Trans. Nova Scotian Inst. Sci 12 : 313-445.
- Frost, S.B. 1980. McGill University for the Advancement of Learning, Volume 1. McGill-Queen’s University Press, Montreal, QC. pp. 1801-1895.
- Gillett, M. 1990. Carrie Derick (1862–1924) and the Chair of Botany at McGill. Pages 84-87 in M.G. Ainley (ed.), Despite the Odds. Vehicule Press, Montreal, QC.
- Hamilton, D.W. 1915. Lesson Topics in Nature Study and Elementary Agriculture for Rural Schools. Macdonald College Publication, Montreal, QC.
- Lloyd, F.E. 1914. Injury and abrasion in Impatiens sultani. Annu. Rep. Que. Soc. Prot. Plants 6 : 72 – 79.
- Lochhead, W. 1906. Five articles are on one page of the Canadian Horticulturist 29 : 154.
- Ludwig, R.A. 1952. Studies on the physiology of hydromycotic wilting in the tomato plant. Macdonald College Tech. Bull. No. 20, Montreal, QC.
- Paulitz, T.C., and R.R. Bélanger. 2001. Biological control in greenhouse systems. Annu. Rev. Phytopathol. 39 : 103-133.
- Penhallow, D.P. 1883. Peach yellows. Agriculture of Pennsylvania for 1885. Penhallow’s early publications are listed in Proc. Trans. R. Soc. Can. for 1894.
- Penhallow, D.P. 1888. The spot disease of fameuse. Trans. Rep. Fruit Growers Assoc. Nova Scotia for 1887. pp. 63-68.
- Punja, Z.K. 2004. Waldemar E. Sackston, 1918-2004. Can. J. Plant Pathol. 26 : 613-615.
- Sackston, W.E. 1978. Dr. Muri A. Viswanathan, 1928-1978. Macdonald J. 39 : 3.
- Scarth, G.W. 1944. Cell physiological studies of frost resistance. New Phytol. 43 : 1-12.
- Sheets-Pyenson, S. 1996. John William Dawson: Faith, Hope and Science. McGill-Queen’s University Press, Montreal, QC. 274 p.
- Snell, J.F. 1963. Macdonald College of McGill University, p. 131. McGill University Press, Montreal, QC. 259 p.
- Suit, R.F. 1932. Studies on a physiological spotting of apple. Annu. Rep. Que. Soc. Prot. Plants 24 : 119-126.
- Suit, R.F., and E.A. Eardley. 1935. Secondary tumor formation on herbaceous hosts induced by Pseudomonas tumefaciens. Sci. Agric. 15 : 345-357.