Canadian journal of library and information practice and research
Revue canadienne de la pratique et de la recherche en bibliothéconomie et sciences de l’information

Volume 18, numéro 1, 2023

Sommaire (9 articles)

Theory and Research / Théorie et recherche

  1. The Demography of Censorship: Examining Correlations Between Community Demographics and Materials Challenges in Canadian Libraries
  2. “May Be a Picture of a Dog and a Book”: The Inaccessibility of Public Libraries’ Social Media Feeds

Innovations in Practice / Innovations en pratique

  1. A Multi-sectoral Community of Practice Amongst Librarians
  2. The Library of Parliament’s Competency-Based New-Librarian Development Program
  3. Piloting a Library-Led Online Academic Skills Orientation Program

Features / En vedette

  1. Graduate Student Library Needs at Memorial University of Newfoundland: A Case Study
  2. Critical Adaptability and Collaboration: A Student Reflection on Preparing for Scholarly Communication Librarianship
  3. Getting Warmer: A Refined Taxonomy For Assessing Public Libraries' Response to the Climate Crisis
  4. Rebooting the Guidelines for the Education of Library Technicians


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