
Volume 17, numéro 2, 2008

Sommaire (11 articles)


  1. Editorial

Articles - Philosophical Tracts

  1. Andragogical Epistemology and the Lacanian Discourse of the Hysteric: Learning Through Trauma, Trauma Through Learning
  2. Normative Analysis and Moral Education: How May We Judge?
  3. Deconstructing Childhood as a Way to Justice
  4. A New Glass Bead Game: Redesigning the Academy
  5. John Dewey: Closet Conservative?
  6. Listening from Silence: Inner Composure and Engagement

Articles - Philosophical Fragments

  1. Knowing as Holistic Experience: A Challenge to Plato from Jungian Sandplay
  2. Notes on saying and showing, beauty, and other ideas of interest to art and education, with reference to Ludwig Wittgenstein

Book Reviews


Anciens numéros de Paideusis