Ontario History

Volume 115, numéro 1, spring 2023

Sommaire (13 articles)


  1. “The Legend of Captain Michael Grass”: The Logic of Elimination and Loyalist Myth-making in Upper Canada, 1783-84
  2. Calories and Culture: Food, Drink, and the British Army in Early Nineteenth Century Upper Canada
  3. Upper Canada’s Union Debates (1822-23, 1839-40): Facing the ‘French Fact’
  4. From Violence to Veneration: The Life of Guelph’s Samuel Venerable
  5. “It’s not personal, it’s strictly business”: Historical Accounts and Archaeological Evidence Concerning an Early-Seventeenth Century Partnership
  6. Waiting out the War on the Shore of Lake Superior: Camp 100 and Neys Provincial Park

Book Reviews

Anciens numéros de Ontario History