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Parties annexes
- 1. Vivre en Ville. Alimentation de proximité. Disponible:
- 2. Minaker LM, Raine KD, Fisher P, Thompson ME, Van Loon J, Frank LD. Food Purchasing From Farmers’ Markets and Community-Supported Agriculture Is Associated With Reduced Weight and Better Diets in a Population-Based Sample. Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition. 2014;9(4):485-97.
- 3. Machado PP, Claro RM, Martins APB, Costa JC, Levy RB. Is food store type associated with the consumption of ultra-processed food and drink products in Brazil? Public Health Nutrition. 2018;21(1):201-9.
- 4. Santulli G, Pascale V, Finelli R, Visco V, Giannotti R, Massari A, et al. We are What We Eat: Impact of Food from Short Supply Chain on Metabolic Syndrome. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2019;8(12):2061.
- 5. Bharucha ZP, Weinstein N, Watson D, Boehm S. Participation in local food projects is associated with better psychological well-being: evidence from the East of England. Journal of Public Health. 2019;42(2):e187-e97.
- 6. Vasquez A, Sherwood NE, Larson N, Story M. Community-Supported Agriculture as a Dietary and Health Improvement Strategy: A Narrative Review. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. 2017;117(1):83-94.
- 7. Feuerstein-Simon R, Dupuis R, Schumacher R, Cannuscio CC. A Randomized Trial to Encourage Healthy Eating Through Workplace Delivery of Fresh Food. American journal of health promotion: AJHP. 2020;34(3):269-76.
- 8. Vasquez A, Sherwood NE, Larson N, Story M. A novel dietary improvement strategy: examining the potential impact of community-supported agriculture membership. Public health nutrition. 2016;19(14):2618-28.
- 9. Landis B, Smith TE, Lairson M, McKay K, Nelson H, O’Briant J. Community-Supported Agriculture in the Research Triangle Region of North Carolina: Demographics and Effects of Membership on Household Food Supply and Diet. Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition. 2010;5(1):70-84.
- 10. Quandt SA, Dupuis J, Fish C, D’Agostino RB, Jr. Feasibility of using a community-supported agriculture program to improve fruit and vegetable inventories and consumption in an underresourced urban community. Prev Chronic Dis. 2013;10:E136.
- 11. Boulianne M et al. Vers une alimentation territorialisée et durable. Le système alimentaire de la grande région de Québec, de la production agricole à la gestion des résidus: enjeux, questions, portrait. Rapport de recherche. Québec: Université Laval; 2019.
- 12. Fortier J. Pratiques, perceptions et attitudes des consommateurs de la Communauté métropolitaine de Québec à l’égard des aliments locaux [Mémoire]. Québec: Université Laval; 2019.
- 13. Carlsson L, Seed B, Yeudall F. The role of Dietitians in Sustainable Food Systems and Sustainable Diets. Toronto: Dietitians of Canada; 2020.
- 14. Mundler P, Laughrea S. Circuits alimentaires de proximité. Quels bénéfices pour le développement des territoires? Étude de cas dans trois territoires québécois. Rapport de recherche remis au CIRANO. Québec: Université Laval; 2015.
- 15. McCormack LA, Laska MN, Larson NI, Story M. Review of the nutritional implications of farmers’ markets and community gardens: a call for evaluation and research efforts. J Am Diet Assoc. 2010;110(3):399-408.
- 16. Yorn C et al. Mangez frais, mangez près. Analyse transversale sur les circuits courts et les saines habitudes de vie au Québec. 2012.
- 17. Minaker LM, Olstad DL, Thompson ME, Raine KD, Fisher P, Frank LD. Associations between frequency of food shopping at different store types and diet and weight outcomes: findings from the NEWPATH study. Public Health Nutr. 2016;19(12):2268-77.
- 18. Born B, Purcell M. Avoiding the Local Trap: Scale and Food Systems in Planning Research. Journal of Planning Education and Research. 2006;26(2):195-207.
- 19. NutriQuébec. Présentation du projet. Disponible:
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