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Newfoundland and Labrador Studies records with great regret the death of Richard (Dick) Buehler, who died at his home in Portugal Cove on 11 July 2006, at the age of 71. Dick was continuously associated with the journal — then Newfoundland Studies — from its first edition in the spring of 1985, of which he was co-editor, until 2002. He served as editor from 1996 to 2002. The journal and its readers owe him a great debt of gratitude.

Dick Buehler came to Memorial University in 1967 from the United States, appointed to the departments of English and Folklore. He initially made his mark in the theatre, his lifelong passion. In 1968 he directed The Open Group's first production, Giraudoux's Madwoman of Chaillot, and in 1970 and 1971, he was Artistic Director at the Eastport Summer Festival where he singlehandedly created a truly memorable summer festival, directing The Glass Menagerie, The Zoo Story, and Rip Van Winkle, among others. Always generous with his time and talent, Dick became a theatre resource for high schools and theatre groups, and in 1987 he began his long association with the English Department's Drama Specialization with Michael Cook and Denyse Lynde. He began by teaching the stagecraft class and serving as technical director/designer for the annual production. But before long, he had taught all of the practical theatre classes. At the same time he was a frequent actor and singer in musicals produced by Killicks or the Arts and Culture Centre. He also worked with the Newfoundland Symphony Orchestra. The depth and quality of Dick's leadership helped mould emerging artists, and the formation of "Dick's Kids" in 1993 best indicates his legacy. Created by three graduates of his directing class, Dick's Kids went on to create Shakespeare by the Sea, a summer festival that continues in 2006.

By 1975, with his position now full-time with the Department of English, Dick was becoming known as an accurate, hardworking, and efficient editor. He made his mark in this field with Breakwater Books and Jesperson Press, as well as with Abstracts of Folklore Studies and the Institute for Social and Economic Research.

In August 1999 Dick unwillingly retired from the university, but continued until 2002 to teach theatre courses, to direct and act in productions, and to edit Newfoundland Studies. Even then, he remained with the journal long enough to ensure a smooth transition to a new editor.

Diagnosed with cancer in 2005, he promptly established the Dick Buehler Award in Theatre. He also went on a series of trips to see old friends and family across North America. In the summer of 2005, former members of Dick's Kids got together to mount a major fundraiser for the Dick Buehler Award in Theatre; and Dick, of course, acted in this production of The Crucible.

We extend sincere sympathy to Dick Buehler's family.

Denyse Lynde Memorial University