Corps de l’article
Parties annexes
- "Allocating Property Rights Over Shoreline: Institutional Change in the Newfoundland Inshore Fishery." Kenneth Norrie and Rick Szostak. 233-264.
- "Animal Exploitation and Season of Occupation at the Groswater Palaeoeskimo Site of Phillip's Garden West." Patricia J. Wells. 75-90.
- "Application of Ground-Penetrating Radar to Mapping Archaeological Features at the Gould Site, Port au Choix." Trevor Bell, Julia Daly, Alice Kelley, and M.A.P. Renouf. 175-196.
- BALDWIN,DOUGLAS and GILLIAN POULTER. "Mona Wilson and the Canadian Red Cross in Newfoundland, 1940-1945." 281-312.
- Ballads and Sea Songs of Newfoundland. Collected and edited by Elisabeth Bristol Greenleaf and recorded by Grace Yarrow Mansfield. Rev. by Ruth Perry. 319-320.
- BARRY, FRANK. Wreckhouse. Rev. by Paul Chafe. 313-314.
- BARTLETT, WAYNE. Louder Than the Sea. Rev. by Paul Chafe. 317-318.
- BELL,TREVOR, I.ROD SMITH, and M.A.P. RENOUF. "Postglacial Sea-Level History and Coastline Change at Port au Choix, Great Northern Peninsula, Newfoundland." 9-32.
- BELL,TREVOR, I.ROD SMITH, and M.A.P. RENOUF. "Testing a Proposed Late Holocene Sea-Level Oscillation using the Isolation Basin Approach, Great Northern Peninsula, Newfoundland." 33-56.
- BELL,TREVOR, JOYCE B. MACPHERSON, and M.A.P. RENOUF. "Late Prehistoric Human Impact on Bass Pond, Port au Choix." 107-130.
- BELL,TREVOR, JULIA DALY,ALICE KELLEY, and M.A.P. RENOUF. "Application of Ground-Penetrating Radar to Mapping Archaeological Features at the Gould Site, Port au Choix." 175-196.
- BRICE-BENNETT, CAROL. Rev. of Labrador Through Moravian Eyes: 250 Years of Art, Photographs and Records. Hans Rollman. 201-203.
- BRICE-BENNETT, CAROL. Hopedale: Three Ages of a Community in Northern Labrador. Rev. by Peter Whitridge. 204-205.
- CHAFE, PAUL. Rev. of Wreckhouse. Frank Barry. 313-314.
- CHAFE, PAUL. Rev. of Louder Than the Sea. Wayne Bartlett. 317-318.
- CULLUM, LINDA. Narratives at Work: Women, Men, and Unionization, and the Fashioning of Identities. Rev. by Helga Kristin Hallgrimsdottir. 315-316.
- DALY, JULIA, TREVOR BELL,ALICE KELLEY, and M.A.P. RENOUF. "Application of Ground-Penetrating Radar to Mapping Archaeological Features at the Gould Site, Port au Choix." 175-196.
- DEAL, MICHAEL. "Palaeobotanical Research at Port au Choix." 131-156.
- EASTAUGH, EDWARD and JEREMY TAYLOR. "Geophysical Survey of the Dorset Palaeoeskimo Site of Point Riche." 157-174.
- "Environmental Changes at Port au Choix as Reconstructed from Fossil Midges." Sandra M. Rosenberg, Ian R. Walker, and Joyce B. Macpherson. 57-74.
- "Geophysical Survey of the Dorset Palaeoeskimo Site of Point Riche." Edward Eastaugh and Jeremy Taylor. 157-174.
- GREENLEAF, ELISABETH BRISTOL with GRACE YARROW MANSFIELD, eds. Ballads and Sea Songs of Newfoundland. Rev. by Ruth Perry. 319-320.
- HALLGRIMSDOTTIR, HELGA KRISTIN. Rev. of Narratives at Work: Women, Men, and Unionization, and the Fashioning of Identities. Linda Cullum. 315-316.
- HARP, ELMER, Jr. Lives and Landscapes: A Photographic Memoir of Outport Newfoundland and Labrador, 1945-1963. Rev. by Joan Ritcey. 206-207.
- HODGETTS, LISA M. "Using Bone Measurements to Determine the Season of Harp Seal Hunting at the Dorset Palaeoeskimo Site of Phillip's Garden." 91-106.
- Hopedale: Three Ages of a Community in Northern Labrador. CarolBrice-Bennett. Rev. by Peter Whitridge. 204-205.
- JAMIESON, SCOTT. Rev. of Terre-Neuve Anthologie des voyageurs franççais 1814-1914. Ronald Rompkey. 321-322.
- KELLEY, ALICE, TREVOR BELL, JULIA DALY, and M.A.P. RENOUF. "Application of Ground-Penetrating Radar to Mapping Archaeological Features at the Gould Site, Port au Choix." 175-196.
- Labrador Through Moravian Eyes: 250 Years of Art, Photographs and Records. Hans Rollman. Rev. by Carol Brice-Bennett. 201-203.
- "Late Prehistoric Human Impact on Bass Pond, Port au Choix." Trevor Bell, Joyce B. Macpherson, and M.A.P. Renouf. 107-130.
- Lives and Landscapes: A Photographic Memoir of Outport Newfoundland and Labrador, 1945-1963. Elmer Harp Jr. Rev. by Joan Ritcey. 206-207.
- LEWIS-SIMPSON, SHANNON, ed. Vínland Revisited: The Norse World at the Turn of the First Millennium. Rev. by Alan G. Macpherson. 197-200.
- Louder Than the Sea. Wayne Bartlett. Rev. by Paul Chafe. 317-318.
- MACPHERSON, ALAN G. Rev. of Vínland Revisited: The Norse World at the Turn of the First Millennium. Edited by Shannon Lewis-Simpson. 197-200.
- MACPHERSON, JOYCE B., SANDRA M. ROSENBERG, and IAN R. WALKER. "Environmental Changes at Port au Choix as Reconstructed from Fossil Midges." 57-74.
- MACPHERSON, JOYCE B., TREVOR BELL, and M.A.P. RENOUF. "Late Prehistoric Human Impact on Bass Pond, Port au Choix." 107-130.
- MANSFIELD,GRACE YARROW with ELISABETH BRISTOL GREENLEAF, eds. Ballads and Sea Songs of Newfoundland. Rev. by Ruth Perry. 319-320.
- MCDONALD,TERRY. "The One in Newfoundland, the Other in England: Ledgard, Gosse and Chancey, or Gosse, Chancey and Ledgard." 209-232.
- MILLER, R.W.H. "The Sociéétéé Œuvres de Mer: Welfare Work among FrenchFishermen off Newfoundland and Iceland." 265-280.
- MILNER,MARC. Rev. of Raleigh on the Rocks: The Canada Shipwreck of HMS Raleigh. Richard Rohmer. 323-324.
- "Mona Wilson and the Canadian Red Cross in Newfoundland, 1940-1945." Douglas Baldwin and Gillian Poulter. 281-312.
- Narratives at Work: Women, Men, and Unionization, and the Fashioning of Identities. Linda Cullum. Rev. by Helga Kristin Hallgrimsdottir. 315-316.
- NORRIE, KENNETH and RICK SZOSTAK. "Allocating Property Rights Over Shoreline: Institutional Change in the Newfoundland Inshore Fishery." 233-264.
- "Palaeoethnobotanical Research at Port au Choix." Michael Deal. 131-156.
- PERRY, RUTH. Rev. of Ballads and Sea Songs of Newfoundland. Collected and edited by Elisabeth Bristol Greenleaf and recorded by Grace Yarrow Mansfield. 319-320.
- "Postglacial Sea-Level History and Coastline Change at Port au Choix, Great Northern Peninsula, Newfoundland." Trevor Bell, I. Rod Smith, and M.A.P. Renouf. 9-32.
- POULTER, GILLIAN and DOUGLAS BALDWIN. "Mona Wilson and the Canadian Red Cross in Newfoundland, 1940-1945." 281-312.
- Raleigh on the Rocks: The Canada Shipwreck of HMS Raleigh. Richard Rohmer. Rev. by Marc Milner. 323-324.
- RENOUF, M.A.P., TREVOR BELL, and I. ROD SMITH. "Postglacial Sea-Level History and Coastline Change at Port au Choix, Great Northern Peninsula, Newfoundland." 9-32.
- RENOUF, M.A.P., I. ROD SMITH, and TREVOR BELL. "Testing a Proposed Late Holocene Sea-Level Oscillation using the Isolation Basin Approach, Great Northern Peninsula, Newfoundland." 33-56.
- RENOUF, M.A.P., TREVOR BELL, and JOYCE B. MACPHERSON. "Late Prehistoric Human Impact on Bass Pond, Port au Choix." 107-130.
- RENOUF, M.A.P., TREVOR BELL,JULIA DALY, and ALICE KELLEY. "Application of Ground-Penetrating Radar to Mapping Archaeological Features at the Gould Site, Port au Choix." 175-196.
- RITCEY, JOAN. Rev. of Lives and Landscapes: A Photographic Memoir of Out-port Newfoundland and Labrador, 1945-1963. Elmer Harp Jr. 206-207.
- ROHMER, RICHARD. Raleigh on the Rocks: The Canada Shipwreck of HMS Raleigh. Rev. by Marc Milner. 323-324.
- ROLAND, CHARLES G. Rev. of The Labrador Memoir of Dr. Harry Paddon, 1912-1938. Edited by Ronald Rompkey. 325-326.
- ROLLMAN, HANS. Labrador Through Moravian Eyes: 250 Years of Art, Photographs and Records. Rev. by Carol Brice-Bennett. 201-203.
- ROMPKEY, RONALD. Terre-Neuve Anthologie des voyageurs franççais 1814-1914. Rev. by Scott Jamieson. 321-322.
- ROMPKEY, RONALD, ed. The Labrador Memoir of Dr. Harry Paddon, 1912-1938. Rev. by Charles G. Roland. 325-326.
- ROSENBERG, SANDRA M., IAN R. WALKER, and JOYCE B. MACPHERSON. "Environmental Changes at Port au Choix as Reconstructed from Fossil Midges." 57-74.
- SMITH, I.ROD, TREVOR BELL, and M.A.P. RENOUF. "Postglacial Sea-Level History and Coastline Change at Port au Choix, Great Northern Peninsula, Newfoundland." 9-32.
- SMITH, I.ROD, TREVOR BELL, and M.A.P. RENOUF. "Testing a Proposed Late Holocene Sea-Level Oscillation using the Isolation Basin Approach, Great Northern Peninsula, Newfoundland." 33-56.
- SZOSTAK, RICK and KENNETH NORRIE. "Allocating Property Rights Over Shoreline: Institutional Change in the Newfoundland Inshore Fishery." 233-264.
- TAYLOR, JEREMY and EDWARD EASTAUGH. "Geophysical Survey of the Dorset Palaeoeskimo Site of Point Riche." 157-174.
- Terre-Neuve Anthologie des voyageurs français 1814-1914. Ronald Rompkey. Rev. by Scott Jamieson. 321-322.
- "Testing a Proposed Late Holocene Sea-Level Oscillation using the Isolation Basin Approach, Great Northern Peninsula, Newfoundland." I. Rod Smith, Trevor Bell, and M.A.P. Renouf. 33-56.
- The Labrador Memoir of Dr. Harry Paddon, 1912-1938. Edited by Ronald Rompkey. Rev. by Charles G. Roland. 325-326.
- "The One in Newfoundland, the Other in England: Ledgard, Gosse and Chancey, or Gosse, Chancey and Ledgard." Terry McDonald. 209-232.
- "The Société Œuvres de Mer: Welfare Work among French Fishermen off Newfoundland and Iceland." R.W.H. Miller. 265-280.
- "Using Bone Measurements to Determine the Season of Harp Seal Hunting at the Dorset Palaeoeskimo Site of Phillip's Garden." Lisa M. Hodgetts. 91-106.
- Vínland Revisited: The Norse World at the Turn of the First Millennium. Edited by Shannon Lewis-Simpson. Rev. by Alan G. Macpherson. 197-200.
- WALKER,IAN R., SANDRA M. ROSENBERG, and JOYCE B. MACPHERSON. "Environmental Changes at Port au Choix as Reconstructed from Fossil Midges." 57-74.
- WELLS,PATRICIA J. "Animal Exploitation and Season of Occupation at the Groswater Palaeoeskimo Site of Phillip's Garden West." 75-90.
- WHITRIDGE,PETER. Rev. of Hopedale: Three Ages of a Community in Northern Labrador. Carol Brice-Bennett. 204-205.
- Wreckhouse. Frank Barry. Rev. by Paul Chafe. 313-314.