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Brown, Stuart C. « The Vinland Map and the Tartar Relation. R.A. Skelton, Thomas E. Marston, and George D. Painter. » Newfoundland Studies, volume 15, numéro 1, spring 1999, p. 115–124.
Brown, S. C. (1999). Compte rendu de [The Vinland Map and the Tartar Relation. R.A. Skelton, Thomas E. Marston, and George D. Painter.] Newfoundland Studies, 15(1), 115–124.
- Chicago
Brown, Stuart C. « The Vinland Map and the Tartar Relation. R.A. Skelton, Thomas E. Marston, and George D. Painter. ». Newfoundland Studies 15, no 1 (1999) : 115–124.
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