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English, Christopher. « Creed and Culture: The Place of English-Speaking Catholics in Canadian Society, 1750-1930. Terrence Murphy and Gerald Stortz, eds. » Newfoundland Studies, volume 12, numéro 2, fall 1996, p. 142–143.
English, C. (1996). Creed and Culture: The Place of English-Speaking Catholics in Canadian Society, 1750-1930. Terrence Murphy and Gerald Stortz, eds. Newfoundland Studies, 12(2), 142–143.
- Chicago
English, Christopher « Creed and Culture: The Place of English-Speaking Catholics in Canadian Society, 1750-1930. Terrence Murphy and Gerald Stortz, eds. ». Newfoundland Studies 12, no 2 (1996) : 142–143.
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