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Logan, Robert K. et B. W. Powe. « A Compendium of Responses to Our (Logan & Powe) Probe: “Reflections on B.W. Powe’s Notion, the Locale Where We Read a Text Changes How We Interpret the Text and How It Affects Us: A Probe and a Dialogue.”. » New Explorations, volume 4, numéro 2, automne 2024.
Logan, R. & Powe, B. (2024). A Compendium of Responses to Our (Logan & Powe) Probe: “Reflections on B.W. Powe’s Notion, the Locale Where We Read a Text Changes How We Interpret the Text and How It Affects Us: A Probe and a Dialogue.”. New Explorations, 4(2).
- Chicago
Logan, Robert K. et Powe, B. W. « A Compendium of Responses to Our (Logan & Powe) Probe: “Reflections on B.W. Powe’s Notion, the Locale Where We Read a Text Changes How We Interpret the Text and How It Affects Us: A Probe and a Dialogue.” ». New Explorations 4, no 2 (2024).
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