La plasticité cérébrale post-lésionnelle (PCPL) décrit l’ensemble des processus permettant au système nerveux central de se réorganiser après une atteinte physique. Depuis l’influent travail de Broca et la prise de pouvoir des modèles « localisationnistes », il est largement admis que la PCPL est limitée, voire impossible, au sein des aires fonctionnelles majeures, dites éloquentes. Pourtant, depuis quelques années, de nouvelles données issues de la chirurgie des gliomes infiltrants de bas-grade (GIBG) sont venues bousculer ce dogme. Il apparaît en effet de plus en plus clairement que des excisions cérébrales massives peuvent être intégralement compensées, pour ne laisser place à aucun déficit fonctionnel détectable. Des techniques d’imagerie pré- et post-chirurgicales, ainsi que des procédures de stimulation peropératoire, permettent de suivre la nature et la cinétique de ces compensations. Celles-ci débutent avant la chirurgie, en réaction à l’invasion tumorale, et se consolident pendant et après la procédure opératoire. Les mécanismes de la compensation pré- et post-lésionnelle impliquent les aires périlésionnelles, les structures cérébrales ipsilatérales distantes et les homologues controlatéraux des zones réséquées. De tels résultats ont d’évidentes implications fondamentales et cliniques, et ouvrent d’importantes perspectives pour la compréhension de la dynamique cérébrale et des phénomènes de plasticité.
Post-lesional plasticity (PLP) describes the processes that reorganize cerebral connections after an injury. Since Broca’s influential contribution and the common endorsement of “localisationist” models of brain physiology, it has been widely admitted that PLP was limited, not to say impossible in the so-called “eloquent areas”. However, recent observations associated with the surgical treatments of low grade gliomas have called this dogma into question. Indeed, more and more evidence suggest that large cerebral resections can be compensated so efficiently that no functional deficits can be detected after the surgery. Pre and post surgical investigations based on imaging techniques, as well as intra-surgical investigations involving electrical stimulations, allow to track the nature and the temporal characteristics of these compensations. Compensatory reactions begin before the operation, in response to the tumoral growth. They remain active during and after the surgery. These compensations can involve the perilesional adjacent areas, the distant ipsilateral cerebral structures and the homologous contra-lateral regions. When considered together these results have obvious fundamental and clinical implications. They open new perspectives for understanding cerebral dynamics and the process of brain plasticity.
Parties annexes
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- 9. Walker DG, Kaye AH. Low grade glial neoplasms. J Clin Neurosci 2003 ; 10 : 1-13.
- 10. Keles GE, Lamborn KR, Berger MS. Low-grade hemispheric gliomas in adults : a critical review of extent of resection as a factor influencing outcome. J Neurosurg 2001 ; 95 : 735-45.
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- 12. Duffau H, Capelle L, Lopes M, et al. The insular lobe : physiopathological and surgical considerations. Neurosurgery 2000 ; 47 : 801-11.
- 13. Duffau H, Bauchet L, Lehéricy S, Capelle L. Functional compensation of the left insula dominant for language. NeuroReport 2001 ; 12 : 2159-63.
- 14. Duffau H, Denvil D, Capelle L. Long term reshaping of language, sensory and motor maps following glioma resection : a new parameter to integrate in the surgical strategy. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2002 ; 72 : 511-6.
- 15. Duffau H, Capelle L, Denvil D, et al. Functional recovery after surgical resection of low grade gliomas in eloquent brain : hypothesis of brain compensation. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2003 ; 74 : 901-7.
- 16. Duffau H, Capelle L. Preferential brain locations of low-grade gliomas : comparison with glioblastomas and review of hypothesis. Cancer 2004 ; 100 : 2622-6.
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- 21. Krainik A, Duffau H, Capelle L, et al. Role of the healthy hemisphere in recovery after resection of the supplementary motor area. Neurology 2004 ; 62 : 1323-32.
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- 27. Keles GE, Lundin DA, Lamborn KR, et al. Intraoperative subcortical stimulation mapping for hemispherical perirolandic gliomas located within or adjacent to the descending motor pathways : evaluation of morbidity and assessment of functional outcome in 294 patients. J Neurosurg 2004 ; 100 : 369-75.
- 28. Duffau H, Gatignol P, Mandonnet E, et al. New insights into the anatomo-functional connectivity of the semantic system : a study using cortico-subcortical electrostimulations. Brain 2005 ; 128 : 797-810.
- 29. Duffau H, Sichez JP, Lehéricy S. Intraoperative unmasking of brain redundant motor sites during resection of a precentral angioma. Evidence using direct cortical stimulations. Ann Neurol 2000 ; 47 : 132-5.
- 30. Duffau H. Acute functional reorganisation of the human motor cortex during resection of central lesions : a study using intraoperative brain mapping. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2001 ; 70 : 506-13.
- 31. Duffau H. Lessons from brain mapping in low-grade glioma surgery : insights into relationships between tumour and brain plasticity. Lancet Neurol 2005 ; 4 : 476-86.
- 32. Duffau H, Capelle L. Functional recovery after resection of gliomas infiltrating primary somatosensory fields. Study of intraoperative electrical stimulation. Neurochirurgie 2001 ; 47 : 534-41.
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