Les Comités de surveillance et de suivi, équivalents des DSMB (data safety and monitoring board) des Anglo-Saxons, sont chargés d’assurer le suivi des essais cliniques, en particulier lors de grands essais multicentriques menés sur des populations à haut risque de mortalité ou d’événements indésirables graves. Ils doivent s’assurer que le rapport bénéfice/risque pour les participants reste favorable à la poursuite de l’essai tout au long de sa réalisation. Quelques exemples, tirés de l’expérience récente d’essais cliniques en soins intensifs et réanimation, montrent l’importance d’un suivi efficace et adapté à chaque essai par un tel comité, notamment au cours des grands essais multicentriques.
The DSMB (data safety and monitoring board) takes an increasing role in the monitoring of clinical trials, especially in large multicenter trials conducted in populations at high risk of morbidity or mortality. The DSMB is a an expert committee, independent from the investigators and the sponsor of the trial, which periodically examines the safety data accumulated during progress of the trial and ensures that the benefit/risk ratio remains acceptable for participating patients. A few examples, derived for recent experience of clinical trials conducted in acutely ill patients, illustrate the importance of an efficient and reactive DSMB to monitor patients’ safety, especially during large multicenter trials.
Parties annexes
- 1. Brun-Buisson C. Les DSMB. 1. Quel rôle, quelles responsabilités ? Med Sci(Paris) 2005 ; 1 : 78-82
- 2. Lemaire F, Brun-Buisson C. Are institutional review boards effective in safeguarding patients in intensive care units ? Curr Opin Anaesthesiol 2000 ; 13 : 195-201.
- 3. Freeman BD, Danner RL, Banks SM, Natanson C. Safeguarding patients in clinical trials with high mortality rates. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2001 ; 164 : 190-2.
- 4. Wolkenstein P, Latarjet J, Roujeau JC, et al. Randomised comparison of thalidomide versus placebo in toxic epidermal necrolysis. Lancet 1998 ; 352 : 1586-9.
- 5. Naveau S, Chollet-Martin S, Dharancy S, et al. A double-blind randomized controlled trial of infliximab associated with prednisolone in acute alcoholic hepatitis. Hepatology 2004 ; 39 : 1390-7.
- 6. Takala J, Ruokonen E, Webster NR, et al. Increased mortality associated with growth hormone treatment in critically ill adults. N Engl J Med 1999 ; 341 : 785-92.
- 7. Bakker J, Grover R, McLuckie A, et al. Administration of the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor NG-methyl-L-arginine hydrochloride (546C88) by intravenous infusion for up to 72 hours can promote the resolution of shock in patients with severe sepsis : results of a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled multicenter study (study n° 144-002). Crit Care Med 2004 ; 32 : 1-12.
- 8. Lopez A, Lorente JA, Steingrub J, et al. Multiple-center, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study of the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor 546C88 : effect on survival in patients with septic shock. Crit Care Med 2004 ; 32 : 21-30.