Parties annexes
- Ahmed, Sara. 2022. “Feminism as Lifework: A Dedication to bell hooks.” feministkilljoys, (September 20).
- Borges, Jorge Luis. 1964. “El idioma analítico de John Wilkins” [The Analytical Language of John Wilkins]. In Other Inquisitions (1937-1952), translated by Ruth L.C. Simms. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press.
- Bradford, Clare. 2010. “Reading Indigeneity: The Ethics of Interpretation and Representation.” In Handbook of Research on Children's and Young Adult Literature, edited by Shelby Wolf, Karen Coats, Patricia Enciso, and Christine Jenkins, 331-342. New York: Routledge.
- Bulbamovie. 2022. 8th Belarusian Film Festival. [8 Festiwal Filmów Białoruskich, Warszawa Kino Iluzjon] (18-20 November).
- Foucault, Michel. 2001. The Order of Things. 2nd Edition. London: Routledge.
- Kolyada, Natalya. 2011. “Belarus Is Not Sexy,” Charter97 (October 4).
- Kudzinenka, Andrey. 2010. “Масакра всегда была в Беларуси” [Massacre Has Always Been in Belarus], Charter97 (October 21).
- Lavretski, Nikita. 2012. “Белорусское конченое кино” [Belarusian Terminal Cinema],
- Lavretski, Nikita. 2019. “Драма – премьера фильма Никиты Лаврецкого, Алексея Свирского и Юлии Шатун. Сопроводительное письмо.” [Drama – premiere of the film by Nikita Lavretski, Aleksei Svirsky and Yulia Shatun. An Accompanying Letter]. Seance Journal (December 12).
- Lavretski, Nikita. 2020a. “Режиссер Никита Лаврецкий представляет «Сашин ад» и 10 клипов, которые спасли ему жизнь” [Director Nikita Lavrestky presents Sasha’s Hell and ten musical clips that saved his life], AfishaDaily (April 11).
- Lavretski, Nikita. 2020b. “Мамблгор «Сашин ад» Никиты Лаврецкого уже можно посмотреть онлайн (прямо здесь)” [You can watch mumblegore Sasha’s Hell by Nikita Lavretski online (right here)]. (April 14),
- Linton, Patricia. 1999. “Ethical reading and resistant texts.” In Post-colonial Literatures: Expanding the Canon, edited by D.L. Madsen, 29-44. London: Pluto Press.
- Marples, David R. 2014. “Our Glorious Past”: Lukashenka's Belarus and the Great Patriotic War. Stuttgart: Ibidem Verlag.
- Minsk 2011: A Reply to Kathy Acker. 2011. Play by Belarus Free Theatre. (London, May 28-31).
- Tyler, Kieron. 2019. “Tallinn Music Week 2019 Review: 'We All Value Being European'.” The Arts Desk (March 31).
- Yurchak, Alexey. 2008. “Necro‐Utopia: The Politics of Indistinction and the Aesthetics of the Non‐Soviet.” Current Anthropology 49, no. 2 (April): 192-224.
- Zhbankou, Maksim and Andrei Rasinski. 2010. “Масакра жанраў” [Massacre of genres]. Nashe Mnenie. Belarusian Expert Network (November 17).