
Strategic Games and Algorithmic Secrecy[Notice]

  • Ignacio N. Cofone et
  • Katherine J. Strandburg

Ignacio N. Cofone, Assistant Professor, McGill University Faculty of Law. Katherine J. Strandburg, Alfred Engelberg Professor of Law, NYU School of Law. We thank Sebastian Benthall, Cassi Carley, Alessa Dassios, Guiseppe Dari-Mattacci, Ashley Gorham, Yafit Lev-Aretz, John Nay, Garry Gabison, Mason Marks, Julia Powles, Ira Rubenstein, Madelyn Sanfilippo, Mark Verstraete and Ari Waldman for their helpful comments. The paper also benefited from numerous comments on presentations at the NYU Privacy Research Group, NYU Information Law Institute, and the Programming Governance & Governing Programming Conference at McGill University. Katherine Strandburg acknowledges the generous support of the Filomen D’Agostino and Max E. Greenberg Research Fund. Ignacio Cofone is grateful for the support of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (Insight Development Grant) and the Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice Charles D. Gonthier Research Fellowship. We also thank Malaya Powers for her outstanding research assistance.

Citation: (2019) 64:4 McGill LJ 623

Référence : (2019) 64:4 RD McGill 623

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