
A Tale of Two Metaphors: A Narrative Take on the Canadian Constitution[Notice]

  • Étienne Cloutier

LL.B. (Montréal), LL.M. (Toronto). The author has been a member of the Quebec Bar since 2015. He has worked as a judicial law clerk for appellate courts at the federal and provincial level. This article is a condensed version of the thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements of the LL.M. program at the University of Toronto. The author is greatly indebted to his supervisor, Professor Lorraine Weinrib, for her insightful input, remarks, and guidance throughout this process, and the great care with which she read versions of this thesis. He would like to thank the McGill Law Journal team for their diligent work and the anonymous peer reviewers for their helpful comments. He also wants to express his deepest gratitude to his wife, Léa, for her encouragements, and for the confidence and interest she showed in this project. Without their help, and that of many others, this article would not have been possible.

Citation: (2019) 64:3 McGill LJ 447

Référence : (2019) 64:3 RD McGill 447

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