
The Regulation of Hateful and Hurtful Speech: Liberalism’s Uncomfortable Predicament[Notice]

  • Jocelyn Maclure

Jocelyn Maclure is Full Professor of Philosophy at Université Laval. Prior versions of this paper were presented at the Jagiellonian University’s Institute of Philosophy in Krakow and at the School of Law and Politics at Cardiff University. I wish to thank the participants to these events for the useful comments, Matteo Bonotti for the sustained discussion on hate speech, Mathieu Marion, Jim Tully, Henri Lauzière and Hugo Tremblay for their close reading of the paper, the peer reviewers for their fair, perceptive and instructive comments, and finally the MLJ editors for their benevolence and efficiency.

Citation: (2017) 63:1 McGill LJ 133

Référence : (2017) 63:1 RD McGill 133

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