
Portrait of Development Risk as a Young Defence[Notice]

  • Marie-Ève Arbour

Professor of civil law, Laval University (Québec). I amparticularly thankful to Lara Khoury and Etienne Vergès fortheir outstanding endeavour and to my peer reviewers for their thoroughand helpful comments. I would also like to acknowledge the stimulatinghospitality I encountered amidst the books and shelves of the Instituteof Advanced Legal Studies (University of London) and the EuropeanUniversity Institute (Florence). This article builds upon ideasexpressed by the author in “Itinéraire du risque dedéveloppement à travers des codes et desconstitutions” in Benoît Moore, ed, Mélanges: Jean-Louis Baudouin (Cowansville, Que: Yvon Blais, 2012) 677 and “Rischi da sviluppo” in Elio Sgreccia & Antonio Tarantino, eds, Enciclopedia di Bioetica e Scienza giuridica(Naples: Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane) [in press]. Only in occasionof proofreading was I capable of referring to Richard Goldberg’soutstanding monograph Medicinal Product Liability and Regulation(Oxford: Hart, 2013) (especially Chapter 8, “The Development RiskDefence and Medicinal Products”). The overall relevancy of thispiece is therefore largely underestimated.

Citation: (2014) 59:4 McGill LJ 913

Référence : (2014) 59 : 4 RD McGill 913

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