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Common Ownership and Equality of Autonomy[Notice]

  • Anna di Robilant

Associate Professor of Law, Boston University School of Law. I wish to thank Talha Syed, Greg Alexander, Eduardo Penalver, Ugo Mattei, Joe Singer, Bethany Berger, Stephen Munzer, Maxi Langer, Bernadette Atuahene, John Lovett, David Linhart, Laura Underkuffler, Jed Purdy, Eric Claeys, David Lametti, Nestor Davidson, Ben Barros, Michelle Anderson, Madhavi Sunder, Daniela Caruso, Andrew Kull, Gerry Leonard, Kris Collins, David Seipp, Arnulf Becker, and Roni Mann for helpful comments and suggestions. I also wish to thank participants in the Faculty Workshop at Boston University, UCLA School of Law, the Princeton Comparative Law Works in Progress workshop and the Property Works in Progress conference at Fordham for helpful feedback. Scott Moore provided superb research assistance. I also wish to thank the two anonymous McGill Law Journal referees for their helpful comments and the editors of the McGill Law Journal for wonderful editing work. Errors are mine alone.

Citation: (2012) 58:2 McGill LJ 263

Référence : (2012) 58 : 2 RD McGill 263

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