Cette « Note du terrain » (publié originalement en anglais ici) dresse un portrait du milieu de l’enseignement du théâtre et de l’art dramatique au Canada, du préscolaire à l’Université. En complément de ce portrait, je formule quelques suggestions pour enrichir cette discipline et augmenter son influence sur les programmes, les politiques et les pratiques.
This “Note from the Field” (published originally in English here) provides an overview of what is happening in K to University drama and theatre education across Canada. In addition to this snapshot I offer some considerations for extending this discipline and its potential impact on curriculum, policy, and practice.
Veuillez télécharger l’article en PDF pour le lire.
Parties annexes
- Abbs, P. (2003). Against the flow: Education, the arts and postmodern culture. London, UK : RoutledgeFalmer.
- Bishop, P. (2010). Dewey’s pragmatism and the great community (Thèse de doctorat, University of South Florida). Repéré à http://scholarcommons.usf.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=4725&context=etd
- Belliveau, G. (2004). Managing to keep going... Drama education on Prince Edward Island. In M. Burke (Ed.) Canadian Drama Mosaic (pp. 26-29). Vancouver, BC: Theatre/Théâtre Canada.
- Carter, M., Prendergast, M. et Belliveau, G., éd. (2015). Drama and theatre education: Canadian perspectives. Ottawa, ON : Canadian Association for Teacher Education Polygraph.
- Krishnamurti J. (2008). In the problem is the solution: Question and answer meetings in India. Chennai, IN : Krishnamurti Foundation.
- Naess, A. (2002). Life’s philosophy: Reason and feeling in a deeper world. Athens, GA : The University Press of Georgia.
- Pinar, W. (2004). What is curriculum theory? Mahwah, NJ : Lawrence Earlbaum.