Since the adoption of the Official Languages Act 50 years ago, Canada and the rest of the world have changed a lot. As we look back at the past half-century and imagine the next, it is important to take stock of both the successes obtained and the challenges that were faced since the Act came into effect.
The year 1969 was pivotal in our history. On the one hand, the Act was born out of a national unity crisis between Canada’s English- and French-speaking communities. On the other hand, it belonged to a broader movement which was seeking to recognize Canadians’ rights and to pursue the democratization of our society. It is in recognizing that the Act contributed to national cohesion, to the advancement of official languages and the vitality of the communities that speak them across the country that our successes and challenges need to be evaluated.
- duality,
- bilingualism,
- languages,
- English,
- French
Depuis l’adoption de la Loi sur les langues officielles il y a 50 ans, le Canada et le reste du monde ont beaucoup changé. En analysant les 50 dernières années et en imaginant les 50 suivantes, il importe de faire le point sur les réussites obtenues et les défis qui ont été rencontrés depuis l’adoption de la Loi.
L’année 1969 a été une année charnière dans notre histoire. D’une part, la Loi est née dans une période de crise d’unité nationale entre les communautés anglophone et francophone du Canada. D’autre part, elle s’inscrit dans un mouvement plus vaste de reconnaissance des droits des Canadiens et de démocratisation de la société. C’est en reconnaissant que la Loi a contribué à la cohésion nationale, à la promotion des langues officielles et à la vitalité des communautés qui les parlent à travers le pays que nos réussites et nos défis doivent être évalués.
Mots-clés :
- dualité,
- bilinguisme,
- langues,
- anglais,
- français
Parties annexes
- Cartier, George-Étienne (1865, February 7). Speech to the Parliament of the Province of Canada, Parliamentary debates on the subject of the confederation of the British North American provinces, 3rd session, 8th Provincial Parliament, Quebec, Hunter, Rose and Lemieux, p. 60. https://www.canadiana.ca/view/oocihm.9_01461/70?r=0&s=3
- Igartua, José (2006). The other quiet revolution: National identities in English Canada, 1945-71, Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.
- Library and Archives Canada. Canadian Fraternal Association papers, MG28-I3, meeting transcription of the Better Understanding Association, cited in Robert J. Talbot, Moving beyond two solitudes: Constructing a dynamic and unifying Francophone/Anglophone relationship, 1916-1940, PhD thesis, University of Ottawa, 2014, p. 112, [Better Understanding Associations (1918), Minutes of the first meeting, July 25, 1918. Library and Archives Canada, FCFA, MG-28-I3.]
- Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages (2016). Official languages and bilingualism survey research presentation, survey conducted by Nielsen. https://www.officiallanguages.gc.ca/en/publications/other/2016/official-languages-and-bilingualism-survey-research
- Pearson, Lester B. (1962, December 17). Canada. Parliament. House of Commons Debates, Library of Parliament, 25th Parliament, 1st Session, vol. 3. https://parl.canadiana.ca/view/oop.debates_HOC2501_03/507?r=0&s=1
- Pelletier, Gérard (1968). Speech given by the Honourable Gérard Pelletier, Secretary of State, to the Congrès-Rallye des Franco-Manitobains, La liberté et la patriote. http://peel.library.ualberta.ca/newspapers/LLP/1968/12/11/10/Ar01003.html?query=newspapers%7Cg%C3%A9rard+pelletier%7C%28date%3A1968%2F12%2F11%29+AND+%28publication%3ALLP%29%7Cscore. Cited by Christian Perron, presentation to parliamentarians at a dinner held by the Association des collèges et universités de la francophonie canadienne, March 19, 2019.
- Arsenault-Cameron v Prince Edward Island, [2000] 1 SCR 3.
- Association des parents de l’école Rose-des-vents v British Columbia (Education), [2015] 2 SCR 139.
- Doucet-Boudreau v Nova Scotia (Minister of Education), [2003] 3 SCR 3.
- Mahe v Alberta, [1990] 1 SCR 342.
- Solski (Tutor of) v Quebec (Attorney General), [2005] 1 SCR 201.