This book is open access under a CC BY license. Interest in social innovation continues to rise, from governments setting up social innovation ‘labs’ to large corporations developing social innovation strategies. Yet theory lags behind practice, and this hampers our ability to understand social innovation and make the most of its potential. This collection brings together work by leading social innovation researchers globally, exploring the practice and process of researching social innovation, its nature and effects. Combining theoretical chapters and empirical studies, it shows how social innovation is blurring traditional boundaries between the market, the state and civil society, thereby developing new forms of services, relationships and collaborations. It takes a critical perspective, analyzing potential downsides of social innovation that often remain unexplored or are glossed over, yet concludes with a powerful vision of the potential for social innovation to transform society. It aims to be a valuable resource for students and researchers, as well as policymakers and others supporting and leading social innovation. Open Acess This book is an introduction to the works of a collective of academics on social innovation and socio-political transformation. It offers a critique of the dominance of market-based logics and extractivism in the age of neoliberalism. Calling for systemic change, the authors invite the reader to engage in the analysis and practice of socially innovative initiatives and, by doing so, contribute to the co-construction of a sustainable, solidarity-based and regenerative society. This book will not only be an inspiration for many academics and researchers broadly interested in social innovation, but also for social movements and their protagonists challenging the dominance of the status quo. In addition, it will appeal to policymakers and politicians who want to appreciate contemporary ways of thinking and gain inspiration on how to better meet the needs of the communities they serve. Disponível em: This book is based on a critical diagnosis of the dual unsustainability that has characterised the development dynamics of contemporary societies: the environmental crisis and the increase in inequality. These conditions have revealed a deficit of solidarity both in the relationship between human beings and nature, and in the relationship between people and each other. This is how the book bases its reflection on an important paradox regarding the place of solidarity in today’s societies: never before has there been such a need to strengthen it, both at national and international level, and reflection on it has never been so eluded, so unknown, not to mention so discredited. After highlighting how solidarity has been made invisible in the construction of knowledge about organisations and management, the book explores the emergence of innovative organisational practices aimed at responding to the dilemmas of this double unsustainability. These are the challenges and potential contained in another economy that invites us to reflect on another form of management. Translated with (free version) Link: This Encyclopedia presents an interdisciplinary and comprehensive overview of the field of social innovation, providing an insightful view into potential future developments both practically and theoretically. With entries authored by prominent international scholars, the Encyclopedia outlines the theoretical foundations, concepts, types, processes and measurement of social innovation. Entries cover a variety of key themes including social innovation ecosystems, co-creation, new technologies and methods, education, governance and policies. The Encyclopedia of Social Innovation will serve as a significant reference point for both scholars and students of social entrepreneurship, sociology and management. It will also be beneficial for all those seeking to clarify various problem-solving routes in the face of contemporary societal challenges. Key Features: Link: This book is written with a specific audience …
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Books on Social Innovation and similars[Notice]
Diffusion numérique : 13 août 2024
Un compte rendu de la revue Management international / International Management / Gestiòn Internacional
Ce document est le compte rendu d'une autre oeuvre tel qu'un livre ou un film. L'oeuvre originale discutée ici n'est pas disponible sur cette plateforme.
Volume 28, numéro 4, 2024, p. 123–125
La production des innovations sociales à l’ère de la créativité et du numérique
Tous droits réservés © Management international / International Management / Gestión Internacional, 2024