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The editorial team of Meta: Translators’ Journal was saddened to learn of the passing of Marilyn Gaddis Rose, distinguished service professor at Binghamton University.

Prof. Gaddis Rose was a specialist of 19th and 20th century French and Anglo-Irish litterature, with a focus on authors such as Beckett, Joyce, Proust, and Yeats. Her publications numbered in the hundreds, including the textbook Translation Spectrum. She also contributed to the Encyclopaedia of Literary Translation and the Oxford Guide to English Literature in Translation.

She shared her vast knowledge and experience through her service on the editorial board of numerous publications: Translation Review, Interface, Translation Encyclopaedia, to name but a few. She also acted as a series editor for Women Writers in Translation and as manuscript editor for the Center for Research in Translation’s (CRIT, Binghamton University) annual Translation Perspectives.

Prof. Gaddis Rose will also be remembered for her deep involvement in disciplinary life. Indeed, she was the founding director of the Translation Research and Instruction Program (TRIP) at Binghamton University, but also the founding editor of the American Translators Association’s (ATA) Scholarly Monograph Series. In 1988, she was awarded the Alexander Gode Medal of the ATA for her contribution to translation pedagogy and scholarship, as well as two special ATA awards in 1983 and 1996. She was also heavily involved in professional organizations, including the Modern Language Association, the International Comparative Literature Association, the American Translators Association, and the American Association of Teachers of French.

We wish to extend our most heartfelt condolances to Prof. Gaddis Rose’s family, friends, and colleagues.