This article takes under consideration a notorious problem area for Greek < > Italian and Spanish <> Greek translators, caused by the gap of standardized international academic terminology, a situation that creates incongruity: 1) between the Italian and the Greek terms and 2) between the Spanish and the Greek terms, as Greek institutional academic terms have potential Italian and Spanish equivalents with a similar core but different edges.
Cet article prend en compte la problématique des traducteurs du grec vers l’italien et de l’espagnol vers le grec par rapport à l’insuffisance de la terminologie universitaire. Cette situation pose des difficultés dans les équivalences entre les langues.
- quantitative categories,
- professional categories,
- Greek academic information,
- academic terminology
Parties annexes
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- Gorlee, D. (1994): Semiotics and the Problem of Translation with Special References to the Semiotics of Ch. S. Pierce, Amsterdam, Rodopi.
- Kaindl, Kl. (1999): Comics under Translation, Target 11-2, p. 263-288.
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- Lakoff, G. (1994): Women, Fire and Dangerous Things, The University of Chicago Press.
- Snell-Hornby, M. (1988): Translation Studies. An Integrated Approach, Benjamins.
- Wilss, W. (1994): Decision-Making in Translation, Target 6-2, p. 131-150.