Journal des traducteurs
Translators' Journal

Volume 48, numéro 1-2, mai 2003 Traduction pour les enfants Translation for children Sous la direction de Riitta Oittinen

Sommaire (27 articles)

  1. Éditorial
  2. Présentation
  3. Harry Potter for Children, Teenagers and Adults
  4. When Modern Little Red Riding Hoods Cross Borders… or Don’t…
  5. De la traduction à l’adaptation pour les jeunes : socioanalyse du Dernier des Mohicans de James Fenimore Cooper en français
  6. De Little Women de Louisa May Alcott aux Quatre filles du docteur March : les traductions françaises d’un roman de formation au féminin
  7. De quelques aspects de la traduction en anglais des textes de Gabrielle Roy publiés pour les enfants
  8. Translation for Reading Aloud
  9. Two Versions of the Same Narrative – Astrid Lindgren’s Mio, min Mio in Swedish and Danish
  10. The Translation of Culture-Bound Elements into Finnish in the Post-War Period
  11. Where the Wild Things Are: Translating Picture Books
  12. Translated and Adapted – The Influence of Time on Translation
  13. Traduire In the Night Kitchen, ou de la difficile lecture d’un album
  14. “Jetzt bist du in Deutschland, Däumling.”: Nils Holgersson on Foreign Soil – Subject to New Norms
  15. Proper Names in Translations for Children: Alice in Wonderland as a Case in Point
  16. Narratology meets Translation Studies, or, The Voice of the Translator in Children’s Literature
  17. Translating for Children – World View or Pedagogics?
  18. What Dubbers of Children’s Television Programmes Can Learn from Translators of Children’s Books?
  19. Time, Narrative Intimacy and the Child: Implications of the Transition from the Present to the Past Tense in the Translation into English of Children’s Texts
  20. Children’s Literature and Translation Under the East German Regime
  21. Domestication and Foreignization in Translating American Prose for Slovenian Children
  22. Publishing Strategies of Translated Children’s Literature in Argentina: A Combined Approach
  23. Translation and Intercultural Education
  24. From Harry to Garri: Strategies for the Transfer of Culture and Ideology in Russian Translations of Two English Fantasy Stories
  25. Translating Children’s Literature in the Arab World: The State of the Art
  26. When Children’s Literature Transcends its Genre: Translating Alice in Wonderland
  27. Exploring Cultural Difference Through Translating Children’s Literature

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