L’Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) incite fortement les facultés d’administration des affaires à la mise en place des standards de l’Assurance of Learning. Selon ces standards, les professeurs doivent s’assurer qu’un apprentissage a lieu pour chacun des buts des programmes (qui doivent refléter les compétences attendues sur le marché du travail). Afin de mesurer le degré d’atteinte de ces buts, une diversité de méthodes d’évaluation est utilisée. À ce jour, très peu d’études ont porté sur l’opinion des étudiants face à l’utilisation de ces méthodes d’évaluation (attrait, perception d’efficacité, équité, anxiété générée, niveau cognitif mobilisé). Cette étude consiste à évaluer ces différents aspects (n = 95). L’analyse des résultats indique que les étudiants possèdent une opinion différente selon la méthode d’évaluation considérée. La discussion porte sur l’importance d’utiliser ces méthodes d’évaluation pour répondre aux standards de l’AACSB.
Mots-clés :
- opinion,
- étudiants,
- méthodes d’évaluation,
- administration des affaires,
The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) strongly incites business schools to implement Assurance of Learning standards. These standards stipulate that faculties must ensure that learning occurs for each of their programs’ learning outcomes, which in turn, must reflect the competencies expected by the business community. In order to measure the degree of achievement of these learning outcomes, a variety of assessment methods is used. To date, very few studies have examined students’ opinions regarding the use of these methods (preference, efficiency, fairness, anxiety, cognitive process level). This study aims to further this knowledge (n = 95). Analysis of the results indicates that students have different opinion depending on the evaluation method considered. The discussion relates to the importance of using these evaluation methods to meet AACSB standards.
- opinion,
- students,
- evaluation methods,
- business education,
A Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) incita fortemente as faculdades de gestão a implementar standards de Assurance of Learning. Segundo estes standards, os professores devem assegurar que uma aprendizagem tenha lugar para cada um dos objetivos do programa (que devem refletir as competências esperadas pelo mercado de trabalho). Para assegurar o grau de concretização destes objetivos, uma diversidade de métodos de avaliação é utilizada. Até à data, muito poucos estudos examinaram a opinião dos estudantes face à utilização destes métodos de avaliação (preferência, perceção da eficácia, equidade, ansiedade gerada, nível cognitivo mobilizado). Este estudo consiste em avaliar estes diferentes aspetos (n=95). A análise dos resultados indica que os estudantes possuem uma opinião diferente segundo o método de avaliação considerado. A discussão analisa a importância de utilizar estes métodos de avaliação para responder aos standards AACSB.
Palavras chaves:
- opinião,
- estudantes,
- métodos de avaliação,
- administração educativa,
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Parties annexes
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