Volume 95, numéro 1, 2023 Thematic Issue: The Social Lives of Maps, Volume 3 Sous la direction de Lauren Beck
Sommaire (7 articles)
Guest Editorial / Éditorial Invité
The Social Lives of Maps, Volume 3
Counter-Mapping for Resistance and Cultivation of Counter-Memory: Contemporary Social Life of Some Historical Nagorno Karabakh Maps
Maps in Translation: Following Maps Through Maritime Search and Rescue Operations in Northern Norway
From Everyday Map-Things to Oblivion? The Social Lives of Finnish Missionary World Maps
The Social Life, Death, and Rebirth of Jacob van Deventer’s City and Town Maps of the Low Countries
Poring Over the World at the Court. Coronelli’s Globes and the Social Lives of Maps in France (1680-1715)
Les cartes comme instrument d’affirmation confessionnelle. La création de « Vallées vaudoises » entre XVIIe et XIXe siècle