Journal of Canadian Labour Studies
Le Travail
Revue d’Études Ouvrières Canadiennes

Volume 84, automne 2019

Sommaire (33 articles)

  1. Contributors
  2. Editor's Note
  3. Note de la rédaction

Poetry / Poésie


  1. The Employment Standards Enforcement Gap and the Overtime Pay Exemption in Ontario
  2. The New New Poor Law: A Chapter in the Current Class War Waged from Above
  3. Une catégorie de chômeurs à part : les cols blancs de Montréal, 1930-1935
  4. Proletarianization of Professional Employees and Underemployment of General Intellect in a “Knowledge Economy”: Canada, 1982–2016
  5. Building Union Muscle: The GoodLife Fitness Organizing and First-Contract Campaign

Presentation / Présentation

  1. Contemporary Challenges: Teaching Labour History

Research Notes / Notes de Recherche

  1. “They Didn’t Even Realize Canada Was a Different Country”: Canadian Left Nationalism at the 1971 Vancouver Indochinese Women’s Conference
  2. The Forgotten Work of Cultural Workers

Note and Document / Note et document

  1. The Speech Bill Pritchard Never Gave

Review Essays / Notes Critiques

Reviews / Comptes Rendus

  1. Peter Graham and Ian McKay, Radical Ambition: The New Left in Toronto
  2. Michel S. Beaulieu, David K. Ratz, and Ronald N. Harpelle, eds., Hard Work Conquers All: Building the Finnish Community in Canada
  3. Taylor Hollander, Power, Politics, and Principle: Mackenzie King and Labour, 1935–1948
  4. Greg Albo & Bryan Evans, eds., Divided Province: Ontario Politics in the Age of Neoliberalism
  5. Veronica Strong-Boag, The Last Suffragist Standing: The Life and Times of Laura Marshall Jamieson
  6. Daniel J. Clark, Disruption in Detroit: Autoworkers and the Elusive Postwar Boom
  7. Mel van Elteren, Managerial Control of American Workers: Methods and Technology from the 1880s to Today
  8. Hanif Abdurraqib, Never Go Ahead in the Rain: Notes to a Tribe Called Quest
  9. Neil Johnson, The Labour Church: The Movement and Its Message
  10. Evan Smith and Matthew Worley, eds., Waiting for the Revolution: The British Far Left from 1956
  11. Oleksa Drachewych, The Communist International, Anti-Imperialism and Racial Equality in British Dominions
  12. Sherry Lee Linkon, The Half-Life of Deindustrialization: Working Class Writing about Economic Restructuring
  13. Kristen R. Ghodsee, Why Women Have Better Sex Under Socialism: And Other Arguments for Economic Independence
  14. Jakub S. Beneš, Workers and Nationalism: Czech and German Social Democracy in Habsburg Austria, 1890–1918
  15. Alessandro Portelli, Biography of an Industrial Town, Terni, Italy, 1831–2014

Minutes / Procès-verbal

Anciens numéros de Labour / Le Travail